Mission of Hate

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   You came out of your room, eyes filled with tears. Dabi immediately rushed over to you.
"Is something wrong, mousy?" You wiped tears from your face and in the same tone as him you said,
"Absolutely not." You saw his face turn from worry to shock and then to hurt, all within a second.
"Y-you heard that?" You nod. He tried to pull you into his embrace, but before he could, you ran back to your room. You buried your face in the pillows and cried.

Dabi came in the room soon after. "Mousy, I didn't mean it."
"Then why'd you say it?" You heard the hurt in your own voice, even though it was muffled from the pillows.
"I'm so sorry mousy. Shigaraki tends to use things like that against people to make them do what he wants. I didn't want you to be put in that position." Why? Why does he care?
"Y/N...." You look up, your eyes red and bleary from crying.

  "What? What else do you want? I'm tired of having my emotions toyed with!" He looked like he was about to cry too.
"I love you." Small lines of blood trailed down his cheeks, coming from underneath the burns under his eyes. You were shocked. You threw yourself towards him and wrapped your arms around his abdomen.
"I'm sorry... I'm sorry..." you repeated over and over, but he just played with your hair.
"It's okay mousy. I know how it feels to have your feelings played with. I know how it all feels, just wanting to let it all go. I know, it all just feels so much better after you snapped. I know, the regret that comes after. It's all ok, just let it out." You pulled yourself up and wiped the blood from his face with your thumb.

  "I love you, Dabi." You pulled him into a kiss, and he didn't try to resist. Soon, though, you pulled away.
"How? How could you love me, when I look this way?" You blinked away tears, realizing what he thought of himself wasn't the same as your point of view as he gestured to his scars.

  "Dabi, I know how you feel about your scars, and your past. But I think all of you is beautiful, your hair, your face, your eyes, your hands, and even your scars." You wiped another bloody tear from his face.
"Hey, don't cry. I know that's how you feel sometimes, but I can't stand seeing you hurt like that."

Dabi looked at you. He had a look in his eyes, like he couldn't comprehend the fact that you cared.
"I- I love you Y/N, and I didn't think that was possible for me to feel like that about anyone. But... I'm not sure I'm ready for a relationship. I want to ask you, if it's okay that we be partners?"
"You just said that you weren't ready for a relationship, so I'm guessing you want to keep it open and secret?"
"Only if you're alright with it...." He seemed, almost shy. Like he was nervous to tell you.
"I'm okay with keeping it a secret for a while, but I don't think I could handle an open relationship..."
"That's fine, I guess you're like me, you have some issues with jealousy, right?"
You nodded reluctantly.
"I.... I guess that makes us official then?"
"I guess so... yeah." You pulled him into a kiss that seemed to freeze time.

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