The Way Things Will Be

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  You walked into the hospital, requesting to see Ray.
"420," the receptionist said, handing you a room key.
"Thank you," You replied, and you hurried over to the elevator.
"Can I come along?" Dabi asked.
"If you're okay with waiting outside the room until I say you can come in," You replied.
    He nodded and stepped into the elevator with you. The doors closed and Dabi pressed the 4 button. Soon the elevator let out a ding and the doors opened. You walked down the corridor, looking on the left hand side of the hallway. Each step counting another door.
     402, 404, 406, 408, 410.... Until you reached room 420. You swiped the key and the door clicked. You turned the handle and went into the room, Dabi staying behind until you gave the all clear.

    "Ray?" You asked, seeing if they were awake.
"Y/N?" You heard a faint voice. They sounded tired, like they had just come off of the anesthetic.
"Yeah, it's me. I'm back. How are you feeling?"
"Tired. I just woke up. My face is a little sore too, but the doctors said it would heal nicely."
Talkative as always.
"That's good. Can I come over there and see?"
"Sure." You walked over to your best friend, and looked at them lying on the hospital bed.

Their face looked nicer now. Pale skin covered the larger acid holes, stitches covered the rest. 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8. Eight stitches.
"You look great," You said. Considering they just came out of surgery, they really did look great.
"Thank you. I can see Dabi standing outside the door. I'm guessing he wants to come in. First, I want to talk to you about something."
"What is it?"
"Y/N, you hurt me. Not only physically, but mentally too. Things are going to be a little different now. I'm hoping I can warm up to you again and act like it never happened, but I don't know. I know our friendship will never be the same. I hope you know that too," They explained.
"I know." That was the only thing you could say. You turned around to the door again. You gave Dabi a thumbs up and he walked in.

     He came up behind you, wrapping his arms around your waist and resting his chin on your head.
"How're you feeling Ray?" He asked.
"I've been better." Ray and Dabi continued their conversation, but you didn't hear it. Instead, your eyes drifted to the window, where the sun was starting to set over the city. The sky was an array of colors. Blue, red, orange, purple, and yellow. The dark skyline of the city made it look like you were in a city that would be in a movie.

     You were brought back to the room around you by the click of the door. A nurse walked in.
"Excuse me, Ray needs rest. Visiting hours have ended, it would be appropriate for you two to leave now." The man said.

"Of course." You took Dabi by the hand, and waved goodbye to Ray. You left the room, counting doors until you reached the elevator again. 420, 418, 416, 414, 412, 410... and then the elevator. You walked in, and clicked the button for the lobby.

Fallen Hero (Dabi x Y/N)Where stories live. Discover now