Nameless No More

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It was a few days later now.
"Well we can't just leave her nameless!" You were honestly sometimes stressed about this cat and it's name.
"It's okay mouse, we'll think of something."

Then you got a call.
"Hi, I was just wondering if you've seen a cat recently?"
"Uh... what does it look like?"
"It's a girl, all black with a little white heart on the nose."
"Oh! Yes, we have her. Does she have a name?"
"Did you check her collar?"
"She doesn't have a collar. I'm sorry."
"She was actually for sale, and she wandered off. Her name is Amor, by the way. You can keep her if you'd like."
"Oh, thank you very much!"
"Anytime, goodbye!"

You shut off the line.
"What was that about, mousey?"
"Well there was a woman on the other line wondering about the cat."
"Mhm. She said that she was on sale anyway and let us keep her."
"Did she have a name for the cat?"
"Yep. Her name is Amor."
"Like the Spanish word for love. I like it."
You nodded.
"We should get her a new collar." You picked her up and nuzzled her forehead to yours.
"So cute.." you thought you heard Dabi say, but it was so quiet it may have been your imagination.
"What did you say?" You asked, just to be sure.
"What? I didn't say anything." He turned away from you.
"Whatever," you said teasingly, knowing that he did say it from the way he reacted.
"Let's go get this cute kitty a collar." You said.

You began to walk to the nearest pet shop, which was about 3 blocks away, so it was a small walk.
   You had been browsing through the shelves when you saw the perfect one.

You walked over to the tag machine and got a custom tag made for Amor

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You walked over to the tag machine and got a custom tag made for Amor. It had her name and your phone number engraved on it.

(That's a tag machine if you didn't know what I was talking about

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(That's a tag machine if you didn't know what I was talking about.)

You grabbed a few more necessities and checked out.

You walked out of the store, with Amor still in your arms, and Dabi waiting to take you back to the base. You clipped the new tag to the collar and snapped the collar around her neck.
"Now you're so cute now aren't you baby?" You said to the cat in a singsong voice. You returned to the base and put down the cat to make itself at home. You set up a small space with it's food, water, and litter box all in a corner with her bed nearby.

You noticed it was getting late and decided to go to bed.

You ran for your life. They were chasing you again, the monsters. They were like liquid shadows, but alive. And huge. You ran through the woods, never getting closer to the exit you saw. You tripped on nothing.

What's happening? Someone help. You tried to scream, but there was no one is near and you couldn't scream anyway. You tried to pull yourself up, but your legs felt shattered. You pulled yourself with your arms, not going very fast. The shadows were quick, and they quickly enveloped you with a pressing blackness. You couldn't breathe, your lungs were tight. You managed to heave one word as you blacked out. "Help."

Fallen Hero (Dabi x Y/N)Where stories live. Discover now