v. jane doe

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  • Dedicated to Liv

once a stranger found me in the poetry section

of our shitty little public library,

and he watched as i etched each poet’s name

into my skin

because they were more deserving of the life

that i possessed than i was.

and he told me that i could never be a poet

because all female poets kill themselves

and i was worthy of so much more than that,

and i knew that to believe him

was to disregard myself but i did that so often

that it almost didn’t even count that time.

my mother used to tell me various things about myself

and although many of them weren’t true

(because my favorite composer was never Bach

and i actually am afraid of what lurks in the dark

and being a lawyer was never an aspiration of mine)

i eventually began to believe them

but the habit never broke

and now i let strangers write my life story for me.

but i've recently decided to build a large cemetery

on the edges of my backyard,

to bury all the different versions of myself

that never truly existed for me,

but did for everyone else. 

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