where it all went wrong, I was just born into this
still I am expected to change it all to something I do not know
I have been giving this a try
I was told not to push so I started to pull but I could see you were not bringing your side
So I asked you to help me lift but as I looked up I saw you were dragging
it seems that what we want is not working together for a change
we are waiting, what for I know not
but we move
I am on my last candle wick
I am young but I am already tired
and my fights seem like hysteria to you
Well no more
I will let you carry on with this struggle by yourself
I was not born for it to continue, if only it had ended before I came on board,
for my judgement you find flawed and my peacemaking skills you despise
I yearn for harmony, you want to maintain your divide
This is an ideal I refuse to make sense of nange party ka Mandela
As such my efforts seem in vain as I seem to lack appreciation for what has happened in the past
I am no longer moved nor embittered by it
I'm just filled with regret
The ones who looks like me are the reason why I cry myself to sleep
Their unscrupulous behaviour and greed have caused a standstill on the ideals that were meant to be
The master of the keys is negotiating for a dangerous scheme, who can we trust to watch his steps and hold him accountable?
He closes the doors that he was meant to open for us
He loves the jingle of the keys that lie in his pocket
perhaps it is to fill the void of losing his wireless and integrity
Who can we trust to keep an accurate report of his doings?
His sidekicks have taken to jesting in front of us under pretence of disagreementMy people are intelligent but they act dumb
they praise the tiniest of achievements and neglect the opportunity to do greater
Why is it only a handful that strive to do better?
Why is the hope of the whole village resting on one coal for warmth when they can still tend to the fire at hand?
"You should be grateful to even be where you are right now, people died for what you have"
Alright I admit to my stupidity.
So be it, call me Miss Ignorant and Ungrateful
A spineless youth who won't use her voice to make a change
This time I'm taking the last bit of hope I didn't know I still had in people and I'm giving it back to God
May He send another who is much better than the one whom I had chosen with a cross to lead us all
for I held the same gratitude that my people still hold onto for what was done in the past
Such optimism is now long gone
What was fought for was won but the winning streak has now been forsaken
I cannot suffer the same as my forbearers
No, I want a new something to fight for
This is how positive advancements are made
but alas I stand alone
So I choose silence, I will hate in silence and in silence I will love too
From now it's each to their own
Viva my country!
My country, the prostitute
PoetryWill you immerse yourself with hate untill you die? Wil you doom yourself when you were made to sustain life? If life was made in you then why are you raising death as if you gave birth to it? It is no longer them only at fault but you. My country...