Tequila Train.

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{Cara p.o.v}

As The bands,Jezibel and Tyler Oakley came to the party,It was epic as fuck. We had cake and cupcakes, which were fuckin amazing, and so far I was having an amazing Phil of a  time. When I opened my presents, I opened all the small ones. I got cds,merch & anime. But there was one of them that standed out the most was a big,kawaii wrapped box. As I went to open the box, I read it was from Jezibel and Tyler. As I opened the box, Dan Howell and Phil Lester popped out with a kitten. I fangirled and hugged them both. "His name is Gerard Ashby-Bryar." Dan told me after he kissed Phil's cheek. I smiled and held the kitten. I thanked everyone, especially my papas,Tio Vic, & Jaime. I had an amazing Phil of a time, & everything was perfect.

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