O Waly Waly (The Water is Wide)

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{Note: Ptv are 3 years younger then they would be irl & Im really sorry I havent updated! I havent had any inspiration. And trigger warning.}

{Cara p.o.v}

The night Papa Whiskey Hands and Papa Turtle came home, after Jaime left, they asked if they could talk to me. 'Oh geesus,' I thought, 'What if they found out about me & Jaime & our relationship?!' I sighed & went to them to talk about whatever they wanted to talk about. When I did, they sat me down and Papa Turtle said something I didn't want to hear at all. "Cara, We know." After that sentence came out of his mouth, my heart immeadeatly had sunk in my chest. After that I immeadeatly got up, and ran out of the room. "Cara,Wait!-" My papas yelled to me. I ran up to my room and automatcally locked the door shut after I closed it shut. I took off my phone case, which had carried a sharp sliver blade. I took it, then putting my phone case back on my phone. 'Damn, only a couple months clean and Im recalpsing.' I thought to myself. I went to my bathroom, then shutting the door. I then sat on the floor that was cold to the touch. I then put the blade to my wrist, and cut multiple times, until I was pale from losing to much blood. I then fainted, while hearing the sounds of my papas voices.

Carapherneila (Mike Fuentes/Perrentes)Where stories live. Discover now