How Can Someone Be This Perfect?

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Doug's POV

Hanson, Booker, and I were on a case at a school. It was different this time. It wasn't the usual substance abusers, it was a revenge thing from a student since he failed all of his classes and is planning on killing his main teacher. He apparently was also bullied by his peers, so I don't think the teacher is the only person who's on his hit list.

Booker was undercover as the stereotypical "cool guy" who has to get close with our main guy. Hanson is going as a "nerd" who's new and is trying to get through life.

I am going as, well, the person who bullies the nerd, a.k.a, I bully Tom. I've liker Tom for a while now, so this is going to be hard for me.

Our first day of school starts and I immediately find Tom, who happens to be near our man. I walk up to him and lightly shove him against his locker, making sure not to hurt him, even though he said that it's fine if I go all out, since we are stopping a murder from happening.

"Hey, loser, your shoelace is untied." I said. He looked down and I smacked his books to the ground.

"Why'd you do that?" He asked softly. I genuinely felt bad for him, even though we were just acting, it still hurt.

"Don't need some good for nothing loser as deadweight for the school." He bent down to get his books and I pushed him down. Booker and that other kid walked up to us.

"Hey, man, take it easy, let the guy be." Booker said. The kid he was with, Ben, who happened to be the potential shooter, was next to him.

This school was full of assholes, and right now, Hanson was a main target, not just for me, but for everyone. Parents have stopped sending their kids here because of the bullying rate being so high.

Our first classes go by and I hear screams. I ran over to see what was going on. There were some guys beating up Tom. I decided to go and help him, but trying not to show my face so I don't blow my cover.

They all ran away and I approached Tom.

"Hey, Hanson, you alright?"

"Do I look ok?" He replied sarcastically. Our eyes met, and his dark brown eyes put me in a trance that I didn't want to wake up from.

"I'm just kidding, I'm alright, that was nothing compared to what we usually do. Middle schoolers aren't that strong compared to adults." Hanson laughed. Why is everything he do so...cute? Nice? Pretty? Perfect? I don't know anymore.

"That's good. Let's get ya cleaned up before next class." I said, helping him up.

"Good idea." I helped get some blood off of his beautiful face.

"Thanks, Doug." He smiled.

"Of course, anytime." I said. Hanson surprisingly went in for a hug, which wasn't unusual, but at this moment, felt special. He was much smaller and more boney than me which was adorable.

"We should probably head back now..." Hanson suggested. I wanted to say no, but I remembered that we were on a mission.


We went our separate ways. At about lunch, we heard an announcement over the speakers. I looked around for Hanson, but of course, I couldn't find him.

It wasn't a staff member this time on the speakers, it was Ben. I ran quietly to the area where they send out announcements as Ben gave his villain speech and how he has someone hostage.

"The government is sending cops now to spy on us, people who look like us, who act like us, who dress like us, invading our property. I have one of them right now. If there are anymore cops, you may wanna get here before I blow your pretty friends brains out."

It had to be Booker because he was with him. As I ran up to the room, I saw Booker outside of it, not having his life threatened.

"What the hell is going on???" I asked.

"He has Hanson, he tried pulling a gun on the teacher. He shot but it hit Tom. We need to call for backup or else Hanson may lose too much blood and die." Booker explained quickly.

"I'll call in some backup, make sure Hanson doesn't get killed." I said. He nodded and left.

"Hey, Captain? We need backup, get an ambulance while you're at it, Hanson is hit and is being held hostage."

"We'll be right there, don't do anything to provoke the kid." Fuller said before he hung up. A few minutes later, Captain, Judy, Ioki, and a ton of other cops arrived.

"This is Captain Adam Fuller, release your teacher and Officer Hanson and no one else gets hurt." Fuller said through the megaphone.

"What do I get in return?" Ben asked.

"A reduced sentence, that or community service, just release them both."

"I don't want any sentence at all, I just want justice."

"We can work something out, just please let the captives go." Everyone was getting desperate now.

All of a sudden, I saw police officers that I didn't know go into the room.

"Hey, Coach, did you send these cops up here?" I asked.

"No, what are you talking about?"

"There are Officers here that just walked into the roo-" Suddenly, gunshots filled the air, tortured screams coming fron inside filled the school. I looked inside, only seeing three people on interest.

Judy, Harry, and the Captain came inside and arrested Ben, helping the teacher and Booker get up. I looked inside and saw Tom on the ground.

"Oh hey, Doug, took you long enough." Tom joked.

"Come on man, we gotta get you out of here. You're not dying on me yet man." I said, carrying him bridal style onto a hospital stretcher.

"Only family is allowed right now, you can see him at the hospital." One of the drivers said.

later at the hospital...

Hanson got immediate surgery, so we had to wait a little bit before he woke up. I was by his side when he started to open his eyes.

He was clearly still drugged from the surgery.

"Heyyyyy, Doug." He said.

"How are you doing, pal?"

"I'm perfect. Have I ever told you how pretty you are?" Hanson asked.


"That's weird of me. Oh well, I love you." He said, falling back asleep. I kissed his forehead.

"Love you too." I said, sitting back down.

"I heard and felt that." He started giggling like a kid.

Later, after the drugs wore off, the sleeping beauty woke again.

"What happened?" He asked.

"Not much, you got shot, you got surgery, you said that I'm pretty and then said that you loved me-"


"It's a cruel world." I laughed.

"So not funny."

"I liked you better when you were still drugged not gonna lie."

"I swear, Penhall, I will punch you."

"Try me, bitch." He tried moving, but he was too drained.

"Damn you."

"Love you too, buddy."

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