He Knows Part 2

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Tom finds out that Susan was cheating on him with his coworker, Trevor, and Doug comes over to comfort him. wHaT wIlL hApPeN nExT...probably gay things cos im gay and i said so🤪🏳️‍🌈💖💜💙


Tom and Doug had just finished watching the first nightmare on elm street movie, and were moving on to watching Star Wars: Empire Strikes Back.

"Hey, that one character, Lance, kind of looks like you." Doug pointed out as he put on the movie.

"I don't see it, he wears crop tops, and has fluffy hair, and has a stable relationship!" Tom exclaimed. Doug rolled his eyes, and continued watching the movie.

Later, Tom started to fall asleep, leaning his head on Doug's shoulder. Doug smiled, looking down at Tom. Hanson had always put on this tough guy act around people he wasn't comfortable with, like Dennis. But in reality, he was an easygoing, soft, charismatic guy who just wanted someone to be there for him when he needed it.

The good thing was that Doug was always there when Tom needed him. He started to realize more recently that Doug treated him better than Susan did. Doug took time to listen to Tom while Susan just ignored whatever he said when it came to him talking about his trauma.

The movie ended, and Tom was still asleep. Doug didn't want to disturb him, and eventually, he fell asleep too.

tHe nExT mOrNiNg...

Tom woke up, confused. He didn't know why he was on the couch. He looked up and saw that Doug was there. He noticed where his head was. He wanted to move off of Doug, but he was so comfortable and he didn't want to wake Doug up.

He looked at the clock and saw that he was going to be late for work. He got up in a rush and went to go change. He rushed over to Doug to wake him up.

"Doug! Doug! Wake up! We're gonna be late for work!" Tom exclaimed.

"Oh shit, we gotta go." They both left after getting ready and went to work. When Judy and Ioki saw Hanson and Penhall leave the same car and enter the building at the same time, they gave each other a knowing look.

They both thought that Tom and Doug liked each other since they always act like an old married couple.

Trevor, from the other side of the room, saw Tom and Doug walk in together. He looked scared, since he only did paperwork there while Tom was a fully trained police officer.

"Hey Tom, you still haven't told me what happened yesterday." Doug said quietly. Tom sighed. He knew that he needed to tell someone. If he didn't, he would lose his mind.

"Fine, yesterday I came home early, ready to surprise Susan with gifts and shit like that, and I walked in on her and Trevor doing...stuff." Tom said the last part quietly. Doug's facial expression changed. He was mad.

"I'm bouta beat this bitc-"

"Doug, we're in a chapel."

"You just cussed-"


"I'm still gonna beat him up." Doug said.

"Doug-" It was too late. Doug was already walking, well, more like stomping angrily towards Trevor and punched him directly in the jaw.

"What the hell was that for?!"

"You hurt my Tom so I hurt you. I promise you, if I ever see you again, you're not gonna like what happens." Doug threatened.

He walked back over to Tom, who was giggling like a kid because of what Doug just did.

"Awww, your boyfriend defended you." Judy said, smiling.

"If we were dating, then how do I not know about my own relationship?" Tom asked.

"Don't worry about that, also, do you guys wanna go to a nice restaurant that I found with Ioki and I?" Judy asked.

"Sure." Tom and Doug said in unison.

"Good, because Harry and I can't make it that day since we have a case, so have a nice date!" Judy exclaimed.

Tom and Doug were confused, but they weren't mad, they did like each other. Out of nowhere, Fuller came into the room and exclaimed,


(^that's from that one episode where fuller was first introduced in when he asked Tom if he and Doug were dating. Honestly, I feel like he shipped them ngl.)

the end

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