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(A/n-im changing my writing style so you guys can understand it^^"

Saiki K Pov:
'i haven't seen y/n all day..' i  groaned in frustration

"yep this is it" i heard a female voice said which i immediately recognized

'y/n!' I thought while walking to the direction of the voice

my eyes went wide as i saw my "girlfriend" with a guy i've never met nor seen before

i started to feel envious
i never felt like this before
'what are you doing to me y/n?..'

"oi saiki" i heard a female call me it was y/n
"what are you doing over there?" y/n asked

'who's that?' I asked y/n telephatically
'don't answer my question with another question' y/n replied furrowing her brows

"i was just passing by" i said replying to her question
'now who's that?' I said repeating my question

y/n sighs "this is the new student,the principal told me to give him a tour"

the guy then said "hi im akio!" waving his hand

"come on akio i'll show you to your class" y/n said before side glancing at me

'is she mad?' 'what if she is?' 'is it my fault?' I thought spacing out

"saiki!" I heard a girl's voice it belonged to someone i didn't want to see

'teruhashi' i groaned 'y/n save me please' i thought wishing y/n was here

'saiki isn't with y/n! that means they might've fought or better,they broke up!' Teruhashi thought

'saiki where are you?" y/n thought before looking over to me and teruhashi

she lifts her brow 'you need help?' Y/n thought directing it to me, i nod as y/n sighs

y/n walks over to me and teruhashi "teruhashi can you please stop clinging to MY boyfriend all the time?" y/n says clearly annoyed

'ugh! Y/n again!' Teruhashi thought
"ofcourse,sorry" Teruhashi says letting me go

'thanks' i thought directing it to y/n
y/n hums as she says "lets go home,im tired" before walking away

i followed y/n
we didn't talk to eachother..

"are you ok?" I asked worried
"huh?oh im fine just spacing out alittle" y/n replied

"whats on your mind then?" I asked "well im curious..we're you perhaps jealous when i was with akio?" Y/n asked which caught me off guard

"no" i lied
"liar" y/n said before chuckling
"im not" i replied denying her
"your voice was shaking" y/n said before looking at me

"so?" I replied
"when your voice shakes there a possibility that you're lying" y/n said before sticking out her tounge

'i love her so much' i thought before turning red
"saiki your face is red are you sick?" Y/n said i shake my head as a response

"wait-let me feel your body temperature" y/n said putting the back of her hand on my forehead

"you're face is hot!" Y/n said
i looked away in embarassment
"not in that way idiot!" y/n said before smacking the back of my head

"ouch.." i said rubbing the back of my head where y/n hit
"ah! Im sorry does it hurt?" Y/n said worriedly
"im fine.." i said intertwining hands with y/n

Y/n looked away with a red face
i chuckled looking at her

𝐅𝐀𝐊𝐄 𝐑𝐄𝐋𝐀𝐓𝐈𝐎𝐍𝐒𝐇𝐈𝐏 | 𝗄𝗎𝗌𝗎𝗈 𝗌𝖺𝗂𝗄𝗂Where stories live. Discover now