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"I'm sorry."

"I know you are."
"You can hear me? Corpse..."

"I'm sorry too."
"Corpse how are you calling me?"

"Maybe you were right,"


"maybe we shouldn't be together."
"No Corpse, I take it back!"

"Corpse please I can't... It's like you said, I've never been happier..."

"I love you Sykkuno."

"Corpse no! Please don't- I'm sorry!"

The last thing he heard was the call ending tone as he slumped back into himself and cried what little more he could.

-------------------time skip----------------------

When Sykkuno woke up it was already much later in the day. His phone buzzed showing him a few messages as his AC hummed quietly. His window was creaked open and he could hear the wind lightly tapping against his window.

As he got up and rubbed his eyes he put his phone down on the coffee table. He stood up and heard a creak coming from the other side of the room.



Sykkuno walked over to his window and opened it. The air was the coldest it had ever been that month but, the wind was calming down.

He stood there for a while, just looking outside. It was calming, it helped him keep his mind off of his problems. He turned around and reached for his phone before looking back at the window.

His lock screen was a mess of discord messages, his friends' youtube uploads and streams, and a couple other social media notifications.

He opened his phone and scrolled through a couple apps before getting a gmail notification. Which was strange seeing as he thought he had turned the notifications for it off.

He read the subject and his interests were immediately peaked. He shot up from the windowsill and bolted to his room to get dressed.

-------------------time skip----------------------

(Again sorry for not being able to write formal sounding dialogue. also please look up how astronauts are "ranked" (they're not really but I don't know how else to put it) and the whole conversation about the badge will make more sense :] )

"Thank you for deciding to meet with us today Thomas." The man greeted with a smile as he held out his hand for Sykkuno.

"I see you even decided to were your badge, it suits you well."
"Thank you sir." Sy smiled back.

"Now, if you would, please take a seat. We'll have someone in here to brief you in a couple moments."
"Thank you." He turned to look for an open seat.

There were about 8 other people in the meeting room all either quietly waiting or in whispered conversation with each other.

Sy took a seat closer to the farther end of the table, next to him was a lady, maybe in her early 20s. She had ginger hair and a navy blue suit, quite similar to the dark blue suit Sykkuno wore.

He sat down and looked around at everyone sitting at the table, there was an assortment of interesting characters but nobody seemed out of place.

"Oh hi, uhm i just noticed that your badge is gold and I- I was wondering if you could tell me what it's like up in... you- y'know.." The lady next to him began, making sure to keep her voice down.
"Space?" Sy finished for her.

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