Information + How you meet

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Name: Y/n
Age: about 21 years old
When I was little I always played with my older sister Mira. she was the only one who was there for me. But one day when I was 15 years old, she suddenly disappeared. Everyone thought she was dead and that it was my fault.

every day my parents say things to me like: "It's your fault that Mira is dead" "I wish you weren't my daughter" or "It would be better if you had died in her place"

But when I was 18, I couldn't take it anymore so I moved into an apartment in Tokyo with my best friend Luna. We have known each other since shortly after the death of my big sister and from then on she was always there for me.

A few years later, on my 21st birthday, I came back home from college and went to the kitchen. Suddenly Luna came running up to me and hugged me. At first I was shocked but then I returned the hug.

"Hi," she whispered in my ear.

She stopped hugging me and held out a small present and said "Happy Birthday Y/n"

We sat at the table and I opened the present. My eyes sparkled when I saw the necklace.

 "Thank you," I said and hugged her

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"Thank you," I said and hugged her.

Later we ate a cake and watched movies in the living room. When I woke up I noticed that we probably fell asleep on the sofa. I wanted to turn on my phone to see what time it was but it didn't work, so I tried Luna's. But it did not go on either. I thought nothing of it and also stood to get ready in the bathroom. I got dressed

 I got dressed

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and was about to wash my face but the water didn't come on.

"Something is wrong here," I remarked

so I went back into the living room to wake Luna up just to see that she is already awake

"Something is wrong. The water and electricity have stopped working, "I said worriedly

Then she replied "I was just about to get something to eat from the refrigerator, but when I opened it the food was moldy"

After Luna got ready, we went into town but when we got outside nobody was to be found

"Where are all the others?" Luna asks

"I don't know," I replied

Luna and I went to the mall to pick up something. When I got to the mall,

I said "We'd better split up. Then maybe we will find more "

"OK. We'll meet you here again then, bye," Luna replied

In the first shop I found noodles and water bottles that were still good-looking. I also found a gun shop. I went in and looked around but my eyes stayed on a black pocket knife. I was walking towards the knife when I heard a voice say my name. I turned around and see Luna looking at me with her pockets full.

"What is?"

"You're done?"

"I wanted to take another weapon with me, you never know what can happened"

"Good idea" she answers

It is already evening when we stand in front the Appartement door. Suddenly we saw a light in the distance and looked at each other with relief. We decide to go to the light. Once we arrived we saw a tall building. When we entered the building we saw other people, a table with phones and a sign that said one for everyone. Luna took two phones and gave me one. I took the phone and turned it on. It scanned my face. Suddenly Luna asked a woman

"Do you maybe know what's going on and where all the people are?"

"Yes" she replies

(Timeskip after she explained everything)

Luna talked to her for a while and found out that her name is Shibuki until a voice comes from our phone and says

"The game starts now, please get in the elevator"

When everyone got in the elevator it closed again went up. When it opened again we were in a room with 5 doors.

The voice on the phones said "This game is a 7 of diamonds. And the rules are:
1. You have to choose one of the 5 doors within the time limit otherwise a laser will kill you
2. Once every survivor chooses a door after the time limit, people will be killed in the wrong rooms
3. There are hints in the room as to which door is the right one.
And now let's start the time limit for the first decision is 3 minutes. "

Once the voice from the phones said that Luna looked at me and said

"You are the smarter one of us, so what do you think which door leads to the right room"

"I'm not sure the voice from the phones said that there are clues in the room."

Shibuki came in our direction and said

"Do you already have any idea which door is the right one?"

"No, not you yet? "replied Luna

I went to the table in the middle of the room and looked at the five pieces of paper that were there.
the first one said "The 3 room is right" the second one said"Room three is the right room"
The third piece of paper said "Room 5 is the right room"
the fourth of one said "Room 1 is lying"
And the fifth one said "Room 2 is lying"

After thinking about it for a while, the voice tells us "30 seconds left"

Suddenly I knew the answer and said quietly to Luna and Shibuki

"The right room is room 3. Don't ask why we don't have any more time"

When we entered the room it was still empty, but after a while a male with a white hoodie came into the room and he leaned himself against the wall. I couldn't take my eyes off him. He noticed this and looked me in the eye

I thought, "Wow, he has such beautiful eyes. Wait?!?! What are you thinking Y/n! "

I quickly turned to Luna and Shibuki who looked worried. After the time limit had expired Luna and Shibuki looked at me. for a while nothing happened but then people die in the other rooms and the blood from the dead bodies is spread all over the rooms. When Luna saw this she ran into my arms. Everything in our room looks at me and Luna.

But Luna didn't care and said "Thanks without you, I would have been dead now too."

"No problem" I replied

An elevator opened behind us. We get in and when we get back downstairs, the male with the white hoodie goes to a table and takes the cards on it. Before he left he turned around and looked me straight in the eye. Then he left.

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