Chapter 4

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Alora made her way downstairs and entered the room in which Crystal was in

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Alora made her way downstairs and entered the room in which Crystal was in. She saw that she was getting fitted for her wedding outfit, when Crystal noticed Alora she was about to wave off the fitting lady

"It's fine" said Alora and Crystal gave a smile in return which Alora took as a sign to continue

"Congratulations I'm really happy you and my father are getting married" spoke Alora with a smile that Crystal recognised as genuine in return she sent the young girl a smile.

"Thank you Alora I'm happy that your happy, I don't think Fallons very happy though" said Crystal casually although Alora could sense curiosity in her tone which Alora could only pin point to wanting to know why Fallon seemed to hate her so much. Although Alora knew Crystal was right she had an urge to defend her sister.

"I know Fallon is tough but ever since our mother left Fallon has always tried to handle everything and she's not to sure if she's okay with this all or not"

Crystal gave the girl a questioning glance and spoke to her again but this time with a gentle tone and sincerity laced within her words.

"What about you?" This question caught Alora off guard because truthfully she didn't know what she thought of their wedding but she didn't hate the idea as much as Fallon. Alora had always wanted her father to move on but she also knew it had been a long time since he had anything serious after their mother and at first when she learnt off Crystal she was reluctant but Crystal began to grow on her with her caring nature.

Truth be told Alora had never experienced love and it seemed beautiful but also a dream that she has always wanted yet assumes she won't ever get. She realised Crystal was waiting for an answer because she genuinely wanted to know how Alora felt but Alora was never one for making her feelings known.

"I'm happy if you and my dad are happy"
Crystal knew Alora meant that yet she couldn't help but think that Alora was really closed off and someone who didn't make her feelings known hence it felt as if she was holding back. Crystal wanted to ask what she really thought but held back hoping the young Carrington would eventually open up and they could have the bond Crystal desperately wanted.

There was a silence that settled in the room where both women got lost in thoughts until it was broken when a loud slam echoed through the the room.

Alora swiftly turned around to see Fallon with a calm expression on her face and a smile which Alora recognised as fake upon her face, when she looked into her sisters eyes she saw a storm of emotions everything from annoyance, rage, disbelief and many more and figured out her sister had found out about the wedding.

Alora looked towards the fitter with a kind smile
"I'm so sorry would you mind leaving us alone for a bit"
The woman was surprised that Alora spoke to her with kindness and respect as she assumed she like her family would be quite blunt and dismissive not to mention unknowingly arrogant

"You looks so elegant I hardly recognised you" spoke Fallon with malice quite literally coating her words as expected.

Crystal turned towards me with an apologetic expression and I was confused until I realised what all the noise was about last night
Crystal had accepted the COO position to spite Fallon and to be honest Alora didn't know how to feel about it.

"It was Blake's idea.
We were already having a party, so, he thought, why wait?
But something tells me you hate surprises."
Spoke Crystal whilst slowly adjusting the strap of her jumpsuit that was elegant yet classy.

Alora could sense the tension and couldn't decide wether or not she wanted to leave or not, she knew it would be the right thing to do for herself as she had to get herself dressed but also knew that things were no doubt going to escalate between the two women and her decision was made when she heard her sister Fallons voice again with a sickly sweet tone

"No that's not what I hate"
Crystal heaved a defeated sigh knowing that Fallon wasn't a fan before replying to the girl

"You should be having this conversation with your father" Alora could tell Fallon wasn't to happy with the reply she got

"After Matthew I thought we were done talking about you" retorted Fallon and Both Carrington's could tell this time Fallon had pushed the exact button she had been wishing to press for a couple of days know.

"Actually, thanks to your stalking, your dad and I are closer than ever.
We've moved up the wedding date, obviously, but we have another announcement, too."
Crystal had a fake smile on her face that one wouldn't be able to recognise the difference in unless they focused on the slight clenching of her jaw whilst saying the words.

Fallon was confused with Crystals reply and Alora was about to stop things but was cut short with Fallons interruptions
"Now, don't tell me you're pregnant.
What, you let him knock you up, so you could lock him down?"

Crystal wore a smug look on her face and that's when Alora realised things were truly about to go to shit from here

"Fallon, that is no way to talk to your new boss.
That's right.
He offered me the COO position."
Alora stepped between the two women but Fallon pulled her behind herself and composed herself but Alora knew better she could see the hurt, betrayal and frustration that her sister held despite her calm exterior.

"That was supposed to be mine" uttered Fallon and Alora could tell for a brief second hesitation spread through Crystals eyes till it disappeared as quickly as it appeared

"Which is why I turned it down the first time.
Then I met you."
A tense silence settled across the room in which Alora could tell Fallon was about to do something impulsive just when she was about to jump forward to stop her sister.

Authors note

If you guys have any shows you want me to do a fanfic on let me know read my description to see which shows are options

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