Sweet Sixteen:

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It was Jody's birthday today and Tyler was ready to celebrate it with her. 

Tyler crept into his girlfriend's room and decided to wake her up when she spent longer than five minutes sleeping under his gaze. 

"Come on Jodes. Wake up. It's your birthday." Tyler said as he gently kissed her forehead. 

"Ummm." Jody murmered as she rolled over and fell back to sleep.

"Come on Jody. It's your sixteenth birthday. I've got a full day planned." Tyler said as he very gently whispered in her ear. 

"Does it mean I get a full day with you without getting interupted?" Jody asked him as she rolled onto her back and looked up at the man who changed her life forever.

"Yes. We have until four and then we'll come back. It means I can take you anywhere. I already have breakfast planned for 45 minutes so if you don't wake up, I'll leave without you." Tyler said as he kissed Jody's hair, then forehead, then lips before leaving her to get ready. 

After fifteen minutes, Jody went into the living room to see Tyler already to leave. 

"Let me put my hair back up. It came out during the night." Jody said as she began pulling her hair back up into it's usual ponytail.

"Come on then." Tyler said as soon as he saw Jody was done.

"I hope May-Li and Scott know that you're taking me out for my birthday." Jody said as she wanted to keep Tyler close to her throughout the rest of her life. 

"Of course they know. They let me take you out. They suggested it the other day. I agreed and they let me take you out for a very special birthday treat." Tyler said as they rounded the corner and waited in the bus stop.

"I've been waiting for a time where we can spend a bit of time together. We never get privacy back at the DG. It's like waiting for a miracle to happen. 

"I know you're pain. It feels like a miracle the fact that I can take you out." Tyler said as he kissed her cheek, which caused Jody to flush.

"Stop it. I'm sixteen and you're still fifteen. You're a total giant." Jody said as she leaned against his chest, it wasn't that difficult as all she had to do was lean against him. 

"I know i'm tall. Even my mum says I'm a  tall lad. Apparantly I'm taller than my father already." Tyler said as he thought about all the lost years that he should have had with his mother. 

Jody squeezed his hands. She knew how hard it was talking about a parent who had been missing throughout the whole of her childhood. Her father had never even met her and she always knew that she would find someone just like her. But she never expected it in Tyler.

"I can already tell that this birthday is going to be the best one yet." Jody said as she held onto Tyler's hand as the wind blew stronger. 

"And why's that?" Tyler asked as he clutched onto Jody's hand, as if afraid to let her go.

"Because it's the only one that's fully spent with you." Jody said as she spotted the bus that would take them to the park.

"We're not going to the park. We're going to the restrauant so it'll be the one after it." Tyler corrected as he allowed some of the heat to radiate from him to his favourite person. 

"Sorry. I hate making mistakes." Jody said as she began rubbing the top of her arms with her hands as if she was cold and making heat. 

Tyler wrapped her up into his arms and let her soak up all the heat. 

When the bus came, Tyler payed for their fares and let them jump on together. 

"You really didn't have to pay for the bus fare. I could have done it." Jody said as she gave Tyler a small kiss before making her way to some spare seats.

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