Trips: Part One:

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At seven and a half months, Jody went into premature labour. Tyler was petrified. He didn't know what to do. 

"Call the ambulance!" Jody shouted at him. 

Tyler called the ambulance while Jody sat on the couch in agony. 

"Babe. The doctor's said they'll send an emergency ambulance out." Tyler said after he put the phone down.

"Good! Seven months is early. And I've got triplets!" Jody said.

Tyler comforted her until the paramedics arrived. 

"Keep him with me!" Jody shouted at the ambulance crew. 

"I'm staying. I'm not going nowhere." Tyler said as he took both her hands and led her to the ambulance. 

Tyler took his time as Jody kept on stopping and having contractions. He wasn't going to do anything she didn't like. He was scared but he couldn't show it. Not in front of Jody, not at the time he needed to be strong the most. 

As soon as she was seated, the doctor's strapped her up and allowed Tyler to sit with her. 

As they sped towards the hospital, Jody realised that one was coming more quickly than she immediately imagined. 

"Baby's coming!" Jody kept on shouting.

Tyler had to keep himself strong and look after his girl at the same time. 

As soon as they went into the hospital, Jody was wheeled into the labour unit. She was constantly checking to see if Tyler was still by her side. 

As soon as they turned into the unit, Tyler was told to held her get onto the bed. He helped her and when Jody screamed, he knew he had to pick her up and place her on the bed himself. 

When she was comfortable, Tyler sat by her and let the doctors and nurses check her over. 

"She's already dilated. She needs to push as soon as possible." The doctor said. 

"When?" Tyler asked. 

"Next contraction Jody, push." The doctor instructed. 

Jody pushed and pushed. She held onto Tyler's hands for comfort but she couldn't find herself progressing. 

"Please baby." Tyler whispered. 

"I'm trying!" Jody shouted. 

Tyler kept on comforting her until the doctor gave the best news possible at the moment. 

"We've got a head! I think we can survive on six more pushes before the first is born." The doctor said. 

Jody pushed. Tyler kissed her. He needed her to survive and pull through. He really wanted a close family. He wanted the family he never got. 

"Jody, almost at the shoulders." The doctor said.

Jody pushed. 

"I see neck." 

Jody pushed some more. 

"One more push and baby's here." 

Jody pushed again. 

There was a cry. A beautiful one. 

"It's a girl." The doctor said. 

Tyler wrapped his daughter up and cut her umbilical cord before taking the little one to see her mother for the first time. 

"She's gorgeous." Jody said as she stroked her newborn's cheeks. 

"One down, two more to go." Tyler said as he kissed Jody on the lips. 

Tyler held the newborn until Jody had her next contraction, which was when their newborn daughter was ten minutes old. 

"The next one's smaller so it won't take as long." The doctor said. 

Tyler passed the newborn onto the doctor who took her to be weighed and checked over and swaddled correctly. 

"The next one is almost here already. Just another push and it should be shoulders to knees." The doctor said. 

As if on queue, the next contraction came and Jody pushed as hard as she could. 

"Shoulders are done but it seems that the next baby is eager." The doctor said, "I'm gonna have to pull this one out so the next can come." 

Jody felt a pull and a cry was heard. 

"It's another girl." The doctor said.

Just as Tyler swaddled the middle child, the youngest was born. 

Tyler cut the cords on both babies and swaddled them both up before taking them to meet their mother.

"Gorgeous." Jody said. 

Tyler passed them onto Jody when the nurse brought the oldest back again.

"Pass me the middle one." The nurse said. 

Jody passed the nurse her middle daughter.    

Tyler held the oldest while Jody held the youngest. Suddenly, their weak arms became stronger than steel as they held their newborn daughters. 

Their babies were now here. Their gorgeous newborn daughters.  

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