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Considering Jody was petrified about the fireworks, she slept pretty well. She slept tightly half way across her boyfriend. 

Since the baby scare, no one had been told. No one even knew about the baby. 

It was the day before Tyler's sixteenth birthday and Jody had over 100 different things planned for her boyfriend's special day. 

All the presents had been brought, all the guests had been invited, all the decorations were in the cupboard that Tyler wasn't allowed to go in. All Jody had to do was put Tyler's birthday decorations up.

"I'm sixteen tomorrow." Tyler said.

"And? I'm already sixteen." Jody said. 

It had been almost two weeks since Tyler and Jody had moved in, but they seemed to be settling quite fine.

"I've asked if we can get some sparklers for your birthday." Jody said. 

"We haven't got ID. We need to be eighteen." Tyler said. 

"I asked May-Li. She says she'll bring them over tomorrow." Jody said. 

The young couple hadn't seen any of the Dumping Ground crew since they left a couple of weeks ago and they were missing them. Tyler was still in contact with Rick and Jody was still in contact with Elektra.

"I hope we see all the old crew there tomorrow." Tyler said. 

Little did he know, Jody had already invited Tracy and her young daughter, Jess, over. She also invited Frank, Rick, Elektra, the DG lot, Sally (Tyler's mum), Luke (Jody's brother), Kamal (Tyler's step dad), Mike, Fiona (Mike's wife) and a lot of others. Tee, Carmen and Johnny were supposed to come as well. 

At 2:30 the next morning, Jody woke up and decided to put the decorations up in the living room. She started with the banners and the balloons. It felt weird that less than ten years ago, she had an allergic reaction to the cake she so badly wanted at Tracy's leaving party. 

It took her almost an hour to get all the presents into the cupboard, the decorations up and Tyler's breakfast plan on the kitchen side up. Eventually, at 3:30, Jody made her way back up to bed where her boyfriend was still sleeping, unaware of all the effort she put into making his birthday one to remember. 

At 6:00 A.M, Jody went into the kitchen to begin making Tyler's breakfast in bed. She decided to make pancakes, which was one of the only things she could actually make.

She made four of them before piling them all onto a plate and taking them upstairs to her and Tyler's bedroom.

"Morning Tyler." Jody said as she laid the tray onto his lap. 

"Morning Baby Girl." Tyler said as he kissed her.

"Happy birthday." Jody said. 

"Thanks. I dread to think of the condition that downstairs is in." Tyler joked.

"It looks alright actually." Jody said as she kissed his head.

"Do you want some?" Tyler asked.

"It's all yours." Jody said. 

"It's all mine so I decide what to do with it." Tyler said as he cut some pancake up and gave some to Jody to eat.

"Thanks baby." Jody said as she ate some and sat alongside him.

They were best friends and yet they were so much more. Best friends, boyfriend and girlfriend, soulmates and more. 

They chatted and chatted until it was time for Tyler to go downstairs. 

"Let's head down. I'll save the washing for later." Jody said as she led him down the stairs. 

As soon as they were in the hallway, Jody blindfolded him with her hand and led him the rest of the way into the living room. As soon as they entered, Jody took her hands away and allowed him to look around in awe. 

"It looks awesome." Tyler said. 

"I know. It's absolutely awesome." Jody agreed. 

Tyler opened his presents. He got a new wallet, a new watch, a new shirt and tie, a new can of deodorant, and of course, a pair of socks. 

"What's with the socks?" Tyler asked. 

"You need new ones. And every man gets socks. It's normal to get some." Jody said as she watched Tyler enjoy his birthday.

Tyler opened the rest of his presents and then the biggie came. 

"It's the most expensive present, but the best." Jody said. 

Tyler carefully unwrapped his final present and saw the one thing he's been wanting since he was twelve years old. A ticket to go and watch England play at Wembley. 

"I love it Jodes. Thank you." Tyler said as he threw himself on her, knocking her to the ground in the process and lying gently on top of her, "Sorry babe." 

"It's okay. You're keeping me warm." Jody said as she tried pulling him closer. 

"We'll go tonight." Tyler said as he sat up and gave her a rough kiss.

"I love you." Jody said as she lunged herself right at him. 

"I know." Tyler said as he held her close with strong but chill arms. 

"Did you notice something about the ticket?" Jody asked. 

"No why?" Tyler asked. 

"It says it's for two and you get free popcorn and crisps as it's a gift." Jody said.

Tyler held her tight. He loved her and he definitely didn't deserve the girl he has. He knew the fireworks were due to go off that night so he needed to keep her happy.

"Are you happy to spend your night with me tonight?" Tyler asked.

"Under you, yes. Over you, no." Jody said. 

Even though they were only sixteen, Jody and Tyler really wanted a family of their own. Due to losing their baby, it made them more determined to have a family before they were old.

"We'll spend six years trying, if no baby, we'll adopt." Tyler said. 

"We'll be shattered. We'll need a week's worth of breaks." Jody joked.

"I know baby girl. And we will get a child." Tyler said. 

They were determined. And Jody was determined to make Tyler's sixteenth birthday the best one. And she wanted him to remember it for the rest of his life. 

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