Settling in:

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It took a while for Jody and Tyler to get used to looking after triplet babies, but they eventually got used to it. It took them at least two weeks to get into a routine with their newborn daughters.

"I'm sure it's Michelle's feeding time soon." Jody said as she checked the time. 

"Yeah." Tyler said.

Michelle, Sarah and Lucia had a different feeding time so it helped Jody and Tyler get each baby fed. 

Even though it was close to Michelle's feeding time, she didn't show any signs of hunger or distress. 

"I'll feed her anyway. Even if she's happy and content in her basket." Jody said as she got Michelle's milk from the fridge and put in on the kitchen counter to set to room temperature.

"My mum said that she and Kamal are coming over this weekend." Tyler said. 

Ever since the girls were born, Sally and Kamal had only been to see Michelle, Sarah and Lucia twice. This visit was going to be their third.

"I bet they're looking forward to seeing them now their eyes are open." Jody said as she inched closer to Tyler. 

"If you wanna sit on my lap, just do it." Tyler said. 

"No, i'm just being nosy." Jody said as she leaned her head on Tyler's shoulders.

Just as Tyler wrapped his arms around Jody's shoulders, Michelle started crying. She was now hungry. 

Jody stood up and went to her daughter before she woke her sisters up.

"Come on then princess. Let's get some milk." Jody said as she walked towards the kitchen. 

"Pass her over. I'll feed her." Tyler said. 

Jody handed the precious baby towards Tyler who fed the youngster. Jody went to check on Sarah, who was awake. 

"Do you want some food?" Jody asked.

Sarah started giggling. She was the only one out of the trio who could now laugh and smile. Michelle was smiling but not laughing and Lucia was the weakest of the trio and struggled to smile and laugh. 

Jody picked Sarah up and took her to the kitchen. When Sarah refused her dinner, Jody just thought that she was being nosy. 

"We've got a nosy child." Jody said. 

"Just like her mother." Tyler said as he placed a kiss on Jody's lips and one of Sarah's forehead before giving Michelle a kiss of her own. 

"You're brilliant with the girls." Jody said.

"They are daddy's girls after all." Tyler said as he held Michelle with one hand and ushered the bottle out of her mouth. Tyler put the bottle down and used his spare hand to take Sarah out of Jody's arms, "Get Lucia."

Jody went to get Lucia. Now all five were together.

It was very rare that all five were together. It was mostly Tyler who could hold both Michelle and Sarah at the same time.

*********************************At the weekend***********************************************

Saturday morning had arrived. Jody and Tyler had gotten Michelle, Sarah and Lucia dressed up in little dresses. 

Michelle wore blue, Sarah wore yellow and Lucia wore pink. It was the only way to tell the triplets apart. 

Tyler wrote a note telling the girls's clothes and decided to put it on the fridge so Sally and Kamal could see it, and hopefully, not forget the dress code. 

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