Chapter 15 (Part A): And the Jealousy Begins...

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And here comes the love drama ! Hoot hoot! :D

Hope you enjoy it! It was kind of hard to do, y'know, to write...kinda.

Well, not really.

Nonetheless, ENJOY!

~BB :*


*-* Same Day*-*

Lena's POV

The girls and I had chatted on the phone for the remainder of the ride, right up until I picked them up at my mum's and dad's house. I went in briefly and greeted my parents, talking them a bit before we left. As soon as we had taken off, the girls began to discuss how excited they were to be hanging out with One Direction. They occasionally asked me questions about 1D, interested because I have been spending time with them. Other than that, they were discussing every freaking little detail about them.

"How the hell do you know so much about them?" I questioned, somewhat grumpily. I was now sitting in the passenger seat as Savannah drove, and El and Ash were sitting in the back. I had my head resting on the window as I stared at the road ahead of me. I was still disappointed that I wasn't driving right now, but I was interested, and slightly shocked, in the conversation about the boys. They were telling me so many things about them that it made me feel like I've known them my whole life.

"Because they tell their fans everything." Ashley replied. I laughed softly. Of course they do.

"So, who's your favorite member of 1D?" I asked them, which only made them go into another round of fangirling...well except Savannah. I could tell she wanted to, but she was too focused on driving. Ha! Serves her right for not letting me drive.

"Well, it's so hard to choose favorites-" Ashley began to say, but was quickly cut off.

"Louis is!" Eleanor squealed, and I laughed. "Did you see his eyes? They were just so BLUE!" she gushed. Not as blue as Niall's, I thought to myself, and smiled. Niall's eyes really were gorgeous.

We laughed at her.

"My favorite is-" Savannah began, but got cut off.

"Zayn." Ashley finished for her. "We all know that."

"Yeah, you've been in love with him since we were like, thirteen!" El said, and I snickered, causing Savannah to shoot me a glare.

"You still haven't gotten over him?" I teased.

"You should hear what she says about him! She says that-" Ashley began to say, but Savannah quickly cut her off. Wow. No one ever lets Ash talk.

"Oi! Don't tell her! That's her brother!" Savannah protested, which only caused us all to laugh harder.

"You guys are so lucky that I'm driving, because if I could, I would be strangling you right now." Savannah snapped. We still laughed at her, which caused her to sigh, irritated with us.

"Don't worry, I saw him making eyes at you." I told her, winking. I saw her cheeks turn slightly pink.

"I saw Louis checking out Ellie!" Savannah giggled.

Eleanor snorted. "No he didn't...I wish he would though." She sighed. "He's so sexy, with that round bum of his!" We all giggled and I turned around to look at Ashley.

"Who's your favorite Ashley?" I asked.

"Uh...Niall." She blushed, and looked down. I easily ignored the jealousy that quickly shot through me, because I knew that it was harmless that he was her favorite. I mean, a lot of girls liked him, so it was no big deal...right?

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