ᴄʜᴀᴘᴛᴇʀ ᴛʜʀᴇᴇ: ʜᴀᴛᴇ ᴛᴏ ʟᴏᴠᴇ

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The first few weeks of dating Ransom were great, the first month really. Until one night when you got into a fight that almost made you end it all with him. All the progress Ransom had made so far to make you trust him had been thrown out the window and he had to start over, even further than when he had first met you.

Ransom's an asshole. It's not a secret for anyone, he's not trying to hide it, it's who he is. Except when it comes to you. You were his girl, his love and he never got angry at you. Until that one night.

You and Ransom went out at least once a week, you go on a date and just enjoy being with each other.

You had seen it happen more than once and even though Ransom was an absolute sweetheart and a big softie to you, he's still an asshole to the rest of the world. Especially wait staff.

You've tried not to say anything, you've tried not being a pain in his ass because you know he can't help it. That's how he was raised, but one night you had enough and after your date when you went back to his house where you had left your car you confronted him about it.

You followed him inside and watched as he took off his shoes.

''Are you alright, baby? You've been quiet, more than usual.'' He looked at you, frowning and worried.

''Why do you always have to be so mean to people?'' You looked at his face just in time to see the shock from your question settle in his expression.


''You're always mean to the staff, wherever we go. You treat them like dirt, you almost made the waiter cry tonight. You're always talking to them like they are beneath you.''

Ransom snorted. ''Because they are.''

His answer left you speechless.

''No, they aren't.''

Ransom started at you and you could see his walls go up, he was shutting you out and you were about to feel the sting of it.

''What's your problem?'' He crossed his arms over his chest, slowly getting defensive.

''I don't like when you're mean. Especially not when people haven't done anything to deserve it.''

He rolled his eyes and dropped his arms back to his side, he turned his back to you and walked to his kitchen to get himself a beer. He was too sober for this.

''Are you going to bitch and moan like this every time I'm mean?'' He repeated the word in a mocking tone. ''Because I'm starting to understand why every guy before me left you and ran to Kelly.''

He couldn't stop the words before they came out. He's used to fighting nasty, especially with his family. When you're a Thrombey you learn early in life that when you fight, you fight dirty and low blows are your best weapon. You calling him out made him feel vulnerable, because he cares about what you think of him so his instinct told him to attack.

He flinched at his own words and his heart dropped in his stomach. He quickly turned around to apologize but it was too late, the damage had been done.

You're standing exactly where he had left you, except you looked like someone sucker punched you. In a way, someone did.

From your body language alone, Ransom could tell he had broken you. He had broken your relationship and every promise he had ever made to you.

The sob that came out of you is the most heartbreaking sound he's ever heard in his life and he hates himself for being the cause of it.

''Screw you!'' You turned around and stormed out of his house, slamming the door behind you.

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