My Opinion

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My opinion of race is that race is an illusion, it's not real it's fake but the consequences are real and so are the privileges. It's incredibly insane that stereotypes are real and that people believe in them or that pseudoscience is considered “science” when it's just absolute nonsense, it doesn't make any sense because the people( Carolus Linnaeus, Chirstoph Meiners, Johann Blumenbach, Samuel Morton, Franz Joseph Gall, and T.I.M. Fosrster ) who created or edited phrenology which is a type of pseudoscience classified different groups of people in race which gave permission for racists and countries that used to colonise other countries such as Britain, France,Italy,Spain,Japan, Netherlands, Germany,Belgium, and last but not least Portugal to be racist and justifies all the barbaric, inhuman, and evil things they did to Black people, Indigenous people, Asian people, Irish people, Jewish people, Muslim people, Hispanic people, Latina people, and etc when it shouldn’t but because we had and still have a lot of evil people we have a recent idealogy which is stereotypes.

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