iv. haha. . . so, you're not elliott, are you?

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iv. haha. . . so, you're not elliott, are you?

TEXAS, 1943, (Y/N)'S POV

in the first place, she wouldn't have known how to answer you.

let's go back a few hours before,

she had been living with her new ymbryne—miss peregrine— for quite some time now, finding lack of determination to even acknowledge how long she had been in this, "shit-hole". words kindly chosen by herself.

upon living with eleven new siblings(which whom she grew to love dearly) in a brand new country, (y/n) thought she was safe from the treacherous world known to many, despite her desire to go out more.

oh but how wrong she was.

the sixteen year old first started her morning by waking up at a godly hour, known as exactly 5:32 A.M, knowing that no one would be up at such hour.

she had already changed into a simple dress pants and a button up white shirt when she started to carefully tiptoe down the long, hallway. passing her siblings bedrooms in the process.

(y/n) always thought that the house seemed like it was watching your every move. it was scary similar to her previous home, one which she didn't like to think about much. the horrifying image of all her family's corpses flashed her mind, the familiar taste of copper hitting her lips, and the ear piercing screams that fell through her lips when she came in contact with reality.

when she realized she zoned out, she realized how cliché she was being. i sound like those overly watched main characters i hear about, she thought, trying to distract herself from the pain hitting her chest.

(y/n) began walking downstairs again, internally wincing every time her feet hit the hardwood, making a creaking sound.

how come it never creaks when everyone is awake, eh? she thought, glaring at the stairs as an attempt to lighten her own mood.

when the girl got to the last step, it was like a weight lifted off of her. that was probably the most anxious she has ever been in the entire time she's been with miss peregrine.

haha, well that ended real quick when the heard a cough coming from behind her.

the (y/h/c) haired girl whipped her head around, fear and shock evident in her eyes.

"where are you going?"

it was fiona .

(y/n)'s mind went blank, fiona wasn't stupid, she couldn't trick her into thinking she wasn't sneaking out for a bit.

as (y/n) had her daily dose of anxiety raising through her veins, fiona crossed her arms in patience.

"uhm, well. you see, i was- um-" (y/n) racked her brain for a response, but she couldn't find one. her mind completely went blank.

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