Chapter 1: Saving an 'Ice Demon'

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Screaming, yelling, multiple buildings on fire. The small village was trying to kill the monster that they discovered.

"Haku, Junko! Run, get away from here! I'll hold them off!" A voice yelled through the thick of snow. Clanging of steel could be heard throughout the small village.

"But Fubuki-" Haku started to back away, scared of the onslaught of fighting. They started surrounding him, ready to kill the seven year old. Haku screamed and ice protruded out from the ground killing a few of the many men and women.

"Kill the child!" A women shrieked, grabbing a spear.

"Demon, it's an Ice demon!"


The small village's people charged at Haku, he collapsed to the ground in fear.

"Haku!" Junko, Haku's mother cried out in terror. Her arm stretched out trying to reach out to her child. She had a burn mark on her arm from falling debris that fell off of a building. The shape of the object burned onto her skin. It was a stone roof tile. A cut on her arm bled out onto the fabric of her dress.

"Damn it!" Fubuki cursed, breath visible from the cold. Blocking some punches and pushing people away, he weaved through the crowd of angry villagers. Jumping into the circle of people surrounding the child, he just barely grabbed Haku as he blocked a sword from hurting the child with his back, he scooped him into his arms and took off into the woods. The villagers ran after him yelling curses as the demon child left with him. They forgot about the demons mother, Junko, and left her behind in the snow.

Running past a training field he grabbed a few weapons that were lying around. Out of breath, he put Haku down.

"Haku..." He tried to calm the crying child, "Tch, gotta stop the bleeding," Fubuki did a handsign and collected his chakra and froze his wound. He sighed in relief as the pain disappeared, replaced by the numbing feeling from the cold.

"Fu- Fubuki!"

"Shh, quiet." He covered Haku's mouth, he looked around and jumped into a tree for cover, bringing Haku with him, "Now, Haku. I need you to listen to me." Haku nodded shakily, and gripped onto Fubuki's Kimono. "I need you to stay here. I'll be right back and take care of you. Now don't move from this spot. Stay as still as you can." He put Haku on a crevice in the tree; no one would be able to see him from the ground.

"But what about-"

"Haku!" Fubuki cut him off harshly. Realizing the tone he used, he calmed down, "Don't worry, I'll help Junko." He cooed the shaking child. Hearing distant voices Fubuki cursed under his breath. "Now don't move." Jumping out of the tree, he ran back to intercept the villagers. He cursed again when they appeared in the clearing by Haku's hiding place. They were too close, Haku would be able to hear them. He would be lucky if he was out of earshot.

Fubuki eyed the villagers with an analytical eye. One had a scythe, two had swords. And a few had torches along with farming tools.

"Where's the child!" One of the men yelled, waving his torch around wildly.

"I'm not going to tell you. Leave." Fubuki warned. Readying his kunai, dual wielding them.

"What's a child like you going to do to us, huh? Stupid 'leven year old child like you can't do anything." Another commented arrogantly.

"Yeah, yeah! Do you want to get killed?" More spoke up, some taking brave, but stupid, steps forward trying to intimidate him.

"Lead us to the child, and you won't get hurt, Fubuki." A man came out of the crowd. The leader of sorts.

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