Chapter 7

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Ben's POV

3 hours earlier

The house feels empty. I guess it is. Murray is raiding the kitchen right now while I'm on computer duty. Honestly, our job is kind of boring. I understand why we are the best people to solve SPLINTER'S operation, but I'd rather be out actually helping. And with Erica.

I wonder what she was trying to tell me earlier today. Probably just something about spying. Nothing too important, I hope.

"Hey Ben."

I turn around to see Murray with piles of food. "I brought us snacks. You can't make it through a hard spying mission without a little chocolate."

A little chocolate would be an understatement. He had piles and piles of chocolate bars.

"Murray! That's the Hales' food! They probably don't have a chocolate bar left in the house."

"They don't." Murray said with a mouthful of food. "But I didn't think they ate chocolate, so I'm doing them a favor."

I'm almost tempted to throw all of his food into the trash, but knowing Murray, he would probably go through the trash, picking it back out.

"You want some?" he asks. "I've never tried marshmallow and skittles. Probably would be pretty good."

"I'm fine." I say slightly nauseated by the thought of that. "We should probably check in with everyone and see if they have found anything useful yet."

"Sure, why not. Just wait a few minutes, my bacon should be almost done cooking."

I roll my eyes. When I sign onto my computer, I already see several reports. Alexander seems to have called me seven times. I start to head into my other notifications, when Alexander calls me an eight time. This time I pick up.

"Hello Alexander."

"Alexander?" I say. No response. "Alexander.......are you there."

No response. "Murray come here right now!"

It takes Murray two minutes and 17 seconds to come shuffling into the kitchen.

"What do you need? I was peacefully eating my bacon."

"We have work to do. Plus, Alexander is probably in trouble, but we can't reach him."

"I know what to do."

"Really?" I say surprised. "What's wrong?"

"Oh, just the technology. All you have to do is bang around the computer a few times. That always worked with SPYDER'S computers."

Before I can say anything else, Murray takes the computer and throws it on the ground. Of course, it breaks and all of our connection to my friends goes down.

"Oops." Murray responds. "Didn't think that would happen."

Now I'm livid. "Murray you just ruined our mission."

"Don't worry big brains. Everyone will find their own information, and them we can just relax right now while they are doing that. Once they all come back, we can figure out what SPLINTER is doing."

He just walks away and leaves me to deal with our problem. I don't know what to do, so I just sit down and wait for something to happen. Sadly, it takes three hours for something to happen.

But when Zoe calls me, I know something is up.

"Smokescreen! Thank God I called your other phone. I can't get ahold of you."

"Yeah, it's kind of complicated, but our computer's broken."

"Oh, well we need help. We are currently being chased by SPLINTER agents! Can you get Erica and Joshua over here?"

"Sure. Got it. Hope things get better."

"I'm sure they will. Oh, by the way, GET ERICA NOW. MY LIFE IS ON THE LINE!"

"Got it." I say as I hang up and call Erica.

"Erica! We need your help!" I say

"I'm here Ben. What do you need?"

"Zoe, Mike, Dane, and Ashley have run into SPLINTER agents. They need extra backup. I need you and Joshua to assist them."

"We've got it!"


With that she hangs up leaving me bored with nothing to do. I sit by the computer for a few minutes before I start to drift off to sleep. I wake up to the sound of people coming back into our house.

I sit up alert and start looking for a way out. I hear footsteps coming my way and then see Erica step into my room.

Zoe, Joshua, and Ashley follow her.

"Oh, hi Erica. How did things go?"

"To be honest, not very well. Do you have any information on SPLINTER'S scheme?"

"Uh not really. Today wasn't that good."

"Well, you jidiots really screwed up." Ashley says. "I'm heading back to my room and getting away from all you nediots."

"What?" I say.

"Nerds plus idiots. Duh."

We all start to head towards the rooms when someone else comes in. This time it's Catherine and Alexander. And Catherine doesn't look happy to see us. In a matter of fact, she is glaring at us.

"It seems I actually will have to take extreme precautions." She says.

Uh oh. 

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