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"So." The corner of Camila's mouth quirked up into a small smile. "How's it going?"

Amberly burst into (slightly hysterical) laughter at the ridiculousness of that statement, the one that would kick off what seemed like the most important conversation of her 15-year-long life.

"We should probably have like... an in-depth conversation about this, right?" Camila ventured cautiously, fiddling with the rainbow-and-unicorn-covered blanket on her bed. Amberly liked that blanket - it made Camila seem more normal, more real. Less like a fictional fantasization.

"We... are we actually going to do that?" Amberly voiced hesitantly. That would be beyond awkward. Your crush finding out you liked them was one thing. Telling your crush for exactly how long you'd drooled over them was a whole other.

"Oh, god no," Camila exhaled, giggling a bit, and Amberly couldn't help but join in.

After a few minutes, a not-so-awkward silence dawned over the two girls.

"I... just got out of a relationship," Camila said slowly, and Amberly hoped that she wasn't imagining the fact that Camila sounded like she was trying to convince herself. "Even if it was fake," she added nonchalantly, and Amberly winced. Would Camila and Sam ever come back from this?

"I... I don't just want to jump into another one," she finished, biting her lip nervously.

Amberly reached out and took Camila's hand. Please don't pull away.

Camila squeezed her hand gently, and the smallest echo of a smile was framed on her face, if only for an instant.

"I'll be here," Amberly promised, resting her head on Camila's shoulder.

"I'll be your constant."


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