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I felt the smile on my face widen, tears growing in my eyes as I noticed the two walking towards me. Finlay towering over my mum, his hair noticeably longer, parted down the middle.

"Oh Millie," My mum cried as she reached my, pulling my taller body into a squeeze. I quiet sob left my lips, overwhelmed to be seeing them both. "You look so pretty, love."

"Does she fuck," Finlay laughed, a small slap being given to him by the older woman.

"Language Finlay," she scolded, his eyes widening but rolling once she looked away. I laughed, the boy only offering me a nod.

"I'm not hugging you," he warned me. "That's soppy."

"Jesus," I laughed, "you sound just like Harry."

"How is Harry?" Mum then asked me, looping my arm through hers as we began to walk out of the airport. "Have you spoken to him since, you know?"

"Yeah," I nodded, taking the bag she carried from her hands. "He's okay, we've decided to put it behind us, be friends."

"Alright then," Finlay teased. "Like you won't be in his bed by next week."

I gasped, looking up at him, a cheeky smile covering his face.

"I will not."

"Hm," he continued, setting himself in the back of my car, leaving the front for our mother. "We'll see won't we."

"Yeah," I nodded, taking the bags and placing them in the boot. "We bloody well will."


millie has just posted a story!

millie has just posted a story!

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replied to your story
oi, get him round here

he said he misses you

genuinely bring him

is big rachel with you?


please come.

or i'll show up
at yours.


i'll bring them once
she's finished her wine

fuck the wine

she can have wine here

it was bloody expensive
get stuffed. you can wait



He opened the door seconds after I'd knocked with a wide smile etched across his face. Finlay let out a laugh, pulling the boy into a hug.

"Look at you fella," Harry gassed, looking up and down my brother, "looking good. How's the football?"

"Yeah decent," Finlay told him, "Got signed."

"Piss off," Harry shouted, pulling the younger boy back into a hug. "Proud of you pal."

Finlay nodded, leaving and walking further into the flat, probably to find Cal. Harry then looked down at my mum, a wide smile across her own face.

"Handsome as ever," she cheesed, cupping his cheeks. Harry blushed, a smile taking over my own face as I watched the two. She'd always loved him.

"Oh, i've missed you," I heard him whisper into her neck as he bent down for a hug.

"Don't be a stranger," she sassed, "you can always come visit, you don't have to come with Millie."

"Oh thanks mum," I scoffed, walking inside and sitting on the sofa, waiting for the interaction to end.

"Don't be silly," she joked, "you know what I mean."

"Coffee Rachel? Wine?" Harry offered as he walked into the kitchen. Her eyes lit up at the mention of wine.

"A glass of Red would be lovely, dear." Harry nodded, pouring her one and shooting a glance my way as a way of offering. I shook my head, having to be the driver back.

"How've you been?" She asked as he handed her the wine, his body landing on the sofa next to me, arm resting across the back of the sofa.

"I'm good," he replied, nodding with the smile on his face not leaving. "How's you?"

"Wonderful," she spoke. "How's the Youtube?"

"He doesn't even post mum," I laughed. Harry scoffed, elbow nudging in my side.

"And yet I still get thousands of subscribers a day," he bragged. My mum placed the glass down, giving the taller boy a clap.

"Oh well done Love," she congratulated. "That's amazing. What about the group?"

"That's going even better," he told her. "It's going really well actually."

"I'm so proud of you," she sighed, taking a large sip of the liquid. "I've missed this."

Harry nodded, "Feels normal doesn't it?"

She nodded, taking a glance at me. I gave her a small nod, the feeling being so familiar yet so weird.

"Feels like it always has. Home."


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