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"Welcome back!" Cal cheered into the microphone sat in front of him. "It is season two, episode number fifty four, again in the brand new set! Oh yeah, and we also have Millie here with us!"

I waved toward some of the cameras, Chip and Cal clapping.

"I asked Cal to be here early days," I explained and the boy shook his head. "Nah I did, he just picked more important people."

"Bollocks," Chip argued, I shook my head no.

"I was with you both, drunk, and Harry and I don't even know who else, and I said I wanted to be in it when you were just starting it."

"It's true, I can't lie," Cal nodded. "We've kept you for a special moment."

"After Harry."

"Exactly," Cal exclaimed. "Being the second guest of season two is special."

"Hm," I hummed. "Alright then, i'll let you off."

"Anyway, what do you think of the set?" Cal asked me, his hand gesturing around the set.

"It's beautiful, better than the last."

"Bog said the same," Cal told me. "Soulmates."

"I like the options for drinks," I told them, pointing to the walls behind stacked with drink. "Speaking of, i've not been offered one."

"Shit," Chip laughed, placing a carton of Cranberry juice onto the side. "Cranberry and Vodka do?"

"Absolutely," I nodded, and Chip began to fill up a glass of it for me. He slid it over, "thankyou Chippo."

"And what's the wheel for?" I asked them.

"Clearly haven't watched episode one," Cal huffed and I shook my head, having a logical reasoning for it.

"I wanted the set to be a surprise."

"We'll get to it later on," Cal explained, leaning across into the middle and taking a hold of something.  "This is for now though."

"Can I do the honours?" Chip asked, and I looked at them confused. "It might be embarrassing though, the button doesn't work everytime."

"What? Can I press it?"

Chip nodded, so I reached over, hitting the button. It didn't work at first, so Cal groaned, urging me to press it again. I did, and a 'Sambuca Alarm' playing throughout the set, lights on the wall flashing.

"Fuck sake," I whispered to myself, heels of my hands rubbing against my head. "Should've known."

"Pass us one of them small cups, pal," Cal said, pointing to the shelf of glasses behind me. I huffed, handing him one extra for me. "You not a fan?"

"Cannot stand Sambuca," I cringed, watching as he filled each glass with a shots worth. "It knocks me sick."

"May need a bucket," Chip spoke towards the other end of the set, camera men nodding. One scurried away, grabbing a bucket and placing it on the end of the bar where I was sitting.

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