Part 1

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I stared out at the clouds, Oboro loved making clouds and flying around on them scaring people he passed by. I felt hands cover my eyes, hindering my sight, "Guess who it is!" a happy voice exclaimed, "Is it...Sky?" I asked with a happy note in my voice. She giggled, "Yup! How do you always know it's me?" she asked as she removed her hands and jumped into my lap. I smiled, "You have the same energy as your father." I answered softly, she smiled before a small frown fell on her lips. "When will papa come home?" she asked, I held her close to my chest, "I have a feeling that it's going to be very soon." I murmured softly. She gave me a sweet smile before hugging me and jumping off my lap, "Okay! Can I go play outside?" she asked.

I shook my head, "Not today honey, maybe tommorow, ok?" I said, she just nodded and went to her room. I got up and sighed, she was so much like her father. She was almost always happy and when she wasn't happy it was when she was worrying about me. Just like him. I smiled sadly, I missed her father dearly. He was the light in my life and all that was left of him was her. She was everything to me, so I made sure she was happy. That she was safe, and cared for. I sheltered her, sure. But I also made sure she knew of the dangers that could come after her, she knew what to do if something ever happened to her. And that's all I could ever ask of her.

I heard a beeping go off in the kitchen, there was no smoke though. I was needed for a villain attack. I quickly ran to my daughters room and checked to make  sure she was safe. "Mama? What's wrong?" she asked me, I quickly picked her up and took her to the basement. "There is a food supply in here, ok? There's villains attacking nearby and I don't want you coming out of here unless you hear me say the word. Is that understood?" I asked her, she nodded. She wasn't scared, she knew this would happen one day. I smiled and kissed her forehead before covering her with blankets. "If I don't come back within two days, there is a walkie talkie with the food. I want you to say, Golden Eagel down." I said quickly, she nodded.

I took a few steps back before running back upstairs and hiding the small slit in the ground where she was hiding. I threw a carpet over it and ran to the sight of the villain attack. It was in the USJ building, I felt my heart stop. How did the villains even get in there? It was heavily guarded. I ignored my thoughts and ran inside, I saw a man with a dark purple mist and yellow slits for eyes. But he didn't look like a villain, he looked like Him. I felt myself freeze in place. "O-Oboro..?" I stuttered, despite how quiet I was he must've heard me. His eyes turned to me and for a moment everything was complete. I felt a tear slip down my cheeks, I was shocked to see him.

I knew it was soon but not this soon, I felt my heart ache for him. He seemed to recognize me for a moment as he began walking towards me but then that small flicker of hope disappeared as the blue haired man called his name. His eyes turned cold and he walked away from me, I ran into him and grabbed his hand. He stared at me and all eyes went to us. "I named her Sky..." I whispered, he stared down at me and his mist seemed to almost disappear. "Cause you loved the sky in all it's beauty." I mumbled, he seemed to smile. He leaned his head into mine and pressed where his lips would've been to my forehead. "When are you coming home, she wants to meet you." I asked, "I don't know, my love." he whispered back. I felt sadness plague my heart, "Why don't you come with me?" he asked me quietly. "Will she be hurt?" I asked him, he shook his head, "I'll follow you." I said.

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