Chapter 1 : dreamer

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Pov Aelin
I'm here again.
Floating around, falling through worlds so many i loose count.
Frozen wastelands, worlds covered in class, worlds covered in machine, world filled with greater things....and then I-I stopped. And here i was again . In this strange face world so close to mine yet so different, I could tell the difference in my blood it felt so strange as if the world was turning around me and i wasn't in my own skin.  I cant stay like this i have to move. Pushing against the force that's keeping me suspended i managed to turn myself upwards and there again, i see mountains tall, rigged, uncaring , proud. Clashing with the night sky freckled with shining stars, and a galaxy spread as far as the eye could see. 
Turning behind me north was the largest mountain of them all and a crystal palace that sat on top of  it like a crown on a monarchs head. Wait what was that.... Something was there.. it was a man-no male again but this time he was alone and he had no wings..strange. This man always keeps me on my toes even without my full power i could feel his presence it was so much like hers but it was different-it was calmer-soothing, almost welcoming. I want to say hello "hello-" he looked in my direction but he couldn't see me. He felt my presence but couldn't understand it. This isn't good i should leave. I should-

3rd POV
Aelin lunged off the bed panting hard. She looked over and-thank Mala, Rowan was there. For such a old bastard he sleeps like an exhausted child. To be fair with all the work we do every day its rightfully so. Not wanting to wake him up just yet, Aelin turned away from her mate and but her feet on the cold stone floor and sighed this is going to be a long day. Taking her robe off the hook she covered her naked body and headed towards the balcony leaning against the door frame and stared at the sun rising
" the only thing that would make this better would be some cake" she thought to herself.
"Isn't it to early to indulge in your never ending sweet tooth fire heart?" Her mate behind her said. Aelin glanced behind herself fuck she would never understand how someone could look so hot this early in the morning except herself of course. Rowan on the other hand was there lying on their huge bed on his side facing her ,his arms propelling him up making his blanket slip down his body to dangerously low levels- at least this early. 'Wanting me already fireheart?' Aelin rolled her eyes he had the ego of an elephant.
'that would be nice but you know our court will be nocking down our door if we take to long and you and i both know that will happen' she gave him a pointed glance. 'Whatever' he got up and walked behind me, snaking his arms around her waist. Rowan leaned down and  kissed her. A kiss that she gladly returned "come on" aelin said freeing herself from rowans warm embrace "we got to get ready breakfast is soon" Rowan rolled his eyes "whoever set breakfast this early must be trying to kill me" aelin let out a giggle at her mates words. " you do realize that was that was you right?" Rowan didn't answer just walked to the wardrobe "trainings going to be harder today for that"
"Bring it on.'' Aelin said getting ready as well "loser today has to deal with the ministers today after the meeting"
Rowan turned to her "oh it's on darling, hope your ready to get that cute little ass handed to you"
"We'll see about that" aelin replied as she closed the bathroom door.


She lost.
To be fair Rowan did use an underhand trick but she was a former assassin so she should have expected that. She'll get him back next time though. As she washed the cloth to wipe off the sweat she build up from the spar she heard foots padding towards her. "What's the score?''
"798 to 799" aelin replied turning around to see fenrhys leaning against the column "dammit now i owe lys 3 gold coins"
Aelin raised a brow "really betting on us again" he shrugged "It's not like there's any other action around here"
"Anyway where's Rowan ?" Fenrhys asked "washing up he went ahead i wanted to train more." Aelin started walking away when fenrhys grabbed her arm "hey is everything ok?" She turned to him finding only concern for his queen and friend in his eyes "I'm fine. I just had this strange dream again."
"Did you tell Rowan?" He gave her a pointed glance. She blinked twice no. "I didn't know when everything's peaceful and we want to have kids and its just- I didn't know when to bring it up"
"That sounds like an excuse." She glared. Fenrhys backed up and raised his hands "hey look just tell Him soon, he seems more tense lately and i think its because be can tell your keeping it from him-he's worried ok? So just talk to him." She knew he was right. The wolf shifter had a talent for that. "Fine ill go talk to him after." He lowered his hands and dramatically let out a sigh of relief "thank god i dint know how much more of his brooding i could take" aelin laughed putting an arm over his shoulder "come on lets head inside" fenrhys returned her smile "lead the way my queen."

Ok so ya first chapter. It's sort of filler but i kinda want to get the story going before she falls into a portal. Lol. It's not that long cause i got sleepy but eh you do what you got to do.
Anyway ya hope you liked it. See you later bye loves!
~sleepy 😙🥰

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