Chapter 4: helion, a companion of sorts.

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POV Aelin.
She'd been falling for a while. It was different from her dreams. She wasn't falling through different worlds,but rather on a express channel to a certain world in the multiverse of worlds in the galaxy. This was getting excessive. Aelin sighed. Where would she end up? Aelin hoped Rowan was alright. She knew he would worry, it made her heart ache, she didn't want this to trigger anything from the past for Rowan.

I'm going to make it back. She swore to herself.

I'll make it back to you. Wait for me.
Aelin sent through the mating bond she didn't know if he would get her message as she felt the bond stretch thinner and thinner the longer she fell. Aelin looked down. She could see she world below a beautiful beach covered in golden light.
Wait did that mean-
Aelin crashed into the water. The water hugged her welcoming Aelin to this new world. She pushed the aqua marine water of her skin as she pushed herself towards the surface of the water.

With one last kick her head peaked the surface of the water she could breath gasping for air while treading water Aelin took in her surroundings. A tall cliff above her a long strip of beach not to far from her. She swam towards the beach knowing if she stayed in the water something would pull her under. Aelin now knowing what to do after making sense of her surroundings swam to the shore. The water was much rougher then it looked every stroke she swam she felt her body slowing.
Finally reaching the shore Aelin lied down on the sand and looked at the yellow and orange sky. Her chest huffing Aelin knew she shouldn't lie here for long out in the open with no knowledge of this new world but her body felt so heavy and her chest felt like she was being stabbed with every breath she took.
"Maybe..... maybe I'll just lie here for a minute..." the world already blacking out around her.

A soft warmth surrounded her. Like a warm cloud. 
Aelin did not feel like she was on rough beach where she fell asleep. Still in somewhat of a sleepy state aelin couldn't make out her surroundings completely. She did here some voices talking not to far away. "I wonder where she came from?" Aelin could barely hear the voices but tried her best to hear what the other said. Information is ,yea in these situations.
" I know how did a human get all the way out here in day court?" So this place is called Day court,good to know.

"Do you think she's a slave from Hybern?" hybern?
Hybern? where was that?
"probably, that makes the most sense. Did you see the scars all over her skin? poor girl must have went through a lot" the woman said sympathetically.
Scars...wait are they talking about me?! That makes no sense all my scars were removed by Maeve! She erased them that's not possible!

The two women done with their task left the room and shut the door. As soon as Aelin heard the door click shut she opened her eyes.
To her surprise she was in a large suite with soft white tiles and peach walls. The center of the ceiling had a circular mosaic of the sun in its full glory. Surrounded by  different shades of sunrise tool cloths covering the rest of the ceiling and flowing down the large windows like curtains. In the center of the room, in front of the bed, was a large pool for bathing with beautiful potted plants and a vanity and wardrobe in the corner. It was a truly beautiful room.

Beautiful as if was Aelin jumped out of bed and ran to the vanity in the corner. She needed to make Sure she heard the women right. Looking in her reflection Aelin eyes grew the size of saucers. She was HUMAN!
Looking at herself in the mirror she saw a few of the scars on her neck and arms and looking at her face she looked ten years younger. So did she go back in time. That must be it! This world must run 10 years behind her own. Wait did that mean she had her powers back? Closing her eyes Aelin looked at her well of power. Deeper and deeper and deeper. Aelin opened her eyes.
Her power is just as large as before maybe even more! This was actually pretty good news, she didn't know how powerful the people were in this world and considering how the maids talked about her, humans were not all the rage. Aelin rolled her eyes.
Even without her power she could take down most fae in her human form. Arobynn's training and what she had learned with Rowan were more that enough. But Aelin wasn't taking chances. She had to be careful.

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