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Remus and Sirius stood shocked watching Ivy Greyson, the girl from future who was accidently dropped an year ago in Potter Cottage's lawn and Remus himself dropped her back in her timeline. But after an year she was again standing in front of them with her large bags behind her and all the two men could see was James Potter's timid smile.

      "James!? Ivy!?– You didnt even tell us!?" Remus exclaimed while Sirius was too shocked to say anything.

      "I know, I am sorry, but I had to do it." James said timidly rubbing the back of his head. Ivy rolled her eyes smiling clearing her throat gaining all of their attentions. Sirius was the first one to run and bring Ivy in the tightest hug possible while picking her up yelling god knows what while Ivy laughed.

     "I cant believe my best friend betrayed me by doing an adventure  alone!" Sirius exclaimed while spinning Ivy in his arms out of happiness as she laughed.

     "James, an explanation?" Remus turned sternly to James. After being hugged the life out of her, Ivy stood on her feet going towards Remus folding her arms. "Is this how you'll welcome me?"

     Remus huffed handing Harry to James and turning to her with an unreadable look. Ivy feared if he really was mad at them. She didnt know why James hadn't told the plan about bringing her back to them.

     "As stupid is this man," Remus pointed to James gaining a scowl "I couldnt thank him enough for his this stupidity."

     Ivy was pulled in a warm hug by Remus Lupin letting out a soft happy laugh against him, he murmured 'welcome back' in her ear, while holding the hug longer. Ivy had to agree Remus was the best hugger in the world.

      "Still I need to know why how and what was going in your mind before you decided to do this." Remus said to James who pretended to ignore him talking to Harry in his language.

     Suddenly Harry let out a loud squeal to something James said to him causing Ivy to abruptly turn to him, as tears filled in her eyes and her mouth parted. Seeing the little baby in James' arms just filled her heart.

     Harry, who had been laughing loudly just a second ago, became quite now, staring at the new memeber in the house intensely. As she approached him with a teary smile holding her arms oit for him to take him from James.

    Harry stared at her with his wide eyes as she took him in her arms letting out a teary laugh. "Hi Harry."

     Her heart broke on seeing the reflection bright green eyes of Lily Potter, a tear strolled down her cheek on the though of Lily, the picture of the woman with auburn red hair and bright green eyes and kindness all in her aura. And right now not seeing her around was breaking her heart even more.

     Ivy couldnt help but think that if it was her own fault that James was alive and Lily not. She could have been more precise to James in her letter and Lily would have been alive.

     Suddenly she was pulled out of her thoughts by Harry tugging her hair in his fist pulling them a little harshly making her yelp and chuckle together "Ow Harry!"

     "Oh wait let me help." James said stepping forward bringing Ivy's hair out of Harry's tight small fist, while Ivy pouted at Harry, who grinned mischeviously. He surely liked doing so, because all the men had short hair in their defense.

    Meanwhile Sirius held an surprising smile playing at his lips as he watched James, Ivy and Harry together, something strange popping in his mind, picturing the three together like right now, laughing and happy and together.

     He already knew about Ivy's feelings for James, and had a slight idea of the feelings being returned in some amount. He just hoped that what he was thinking could happen easily.

     "So.." Sirius began gaining everyone's attention, his gaze settling on Ivy "You're staying here permanently, right?" 

    Ivy glanced at James unsurely he only smiled hopefully in response, her face crooked in a grin as she turned to Sirius nodding. "Yes!"

     "Great! Just great! Its all set!" Sirius exclaimed overly happily, everyone gave him wierd looks, he just gave a timid look shrugging.

    "Okay come lets sit and talk," Sirius dragged everyone, as all of them talked about everything that happened since Ivy left. Several hours passed, it got late at night, and a sleepy Ivy realised Harry had already fallen asleep in her arms, and her heart fluttered.

     She nudged to James beside her as he looked at her, she pointed to Harry in her arms, James smiled nodding telling her to wait a second. While Sirius smirked sipping his wine watching them.

     "Come, I'll show you your room too." James said quitely helping Ivy up, after Remus and Sirius left together.

     He led her upstairs opening the door which he said was Harry's room. Ivy's heart gave a wrenching feeling within her knowing what might have happened in this room. Lily...

      "Here." James said quickly sprawling Harry's small bedsheets in the crib while Ivy held him to lay down. Once he was done Ivy slowly laid Harry down with most care.

     She finally breathed out in relief not even realising she was holding her breath for so long. Both smiled watching Harry sleep peacefully. James led her out to her room, and she saw it was the same like it was earlier. He probably set it before coming to take her back.

    "Hope its fine," He said with a little smile. She turned to him with her arms folded and a small smile playing at her lips. "Its better," Because I have you around.

     "Hash.. relief," He huffed mockingly with a hand on heart, she laughed hitting him on chest lightly.

      "James," She said as her laughter died down and as she stared at him with an unreadable look which worried him.

    "What happened?" He asked a little worriedly.

    She replied by stepping forward wrapping her arms around him, a soft smile dawning upon his face as he hugged back warmly, resting his chin on the top of her head, while she mumbled in his chest "Thankyou."

     "Whatever," He rolled his eyes smiling, tightening his arms around her while she chuckled against him. She felt him press his lips on her forehead, causing a pleasant warmth within her.

     "Good night." She whispered.

     "Night," He whispered back stepping away with a smile slowly going out of the room without once breaking the eye contact. "Bye.."

    The door closed softly, as he left, while she stood there with a dazed smile on her face. She was getting a weird feeling within herself.

    She was feeling back to home.

Q. Ship name for James and Ivy!?!

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