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"I cant believe I am getting ready for my wedding alone" Ivy muttered to herself while glancing at the multiple accesories sprawled in front of her. Being surrounded by only men, who have zero knowledge in the girl stuffs, she felt like an complete idiot not having any girl support with her.

She knew James and the other boys were almost ready, because Sirius was timely making announcements from the other room. Ivy and James had decided they would have a really small wedding with literally no one else other than Harry, Remus and Sirius.

Ivy didnt want to hurt James by making him remember his first wedding, so she just wanted their wedding to be really small and sweet. But much to all their surprises, Remus had invited Dumbledore to the wedding as the priest. He was going to perform the marriage rituals for wizards.

No one, though, questioned why suddenly Remus had suggested inviting Dumbledore, but seeing he is a nice man everyone agreed. And as decided by Sirius, he was again going to be James' best man and Remus will walk Ivy down the aisle. And no one knew Ivy was hyperventilating in her room.

She had searched for paper bags, hut couldnt find any. She had cursed a lot of times but still the anxiety within her was eating her alive. Undoubtedly today was going to be the happiest day of her life, but Ivy was just too damn nervous because right now no one was by her side.

Roaming and pacing in the room multiple times, Ivy's eyes suddenly fell on one of the most beautiful pictures hanged on the wall.

A Picture of Lily.

Suddenly Ivy started feeling really uneasy, regretful and anxious. Lily. How can she possibly do this to her. Gripping to the picture of Lily with tears starting to brim in her eyes Ivy whispered with deep regret in her heart "I am sorry Lily... I really am."

"I never wished to take your place in James and Harry's life, never. Infact I know I dont even deserve to be here. I can never be the Lily to James and Harry, never. Actually I dont even want to, I will never try to the take your place in their life, all I'll do is just love them with everything I have, and still it won't be as much as yours."

With shaky hands Ivy plucked out the picture of Lily Potter, smiling kindly and hugged the frame to her, closing her eyes remembering all the time she had spent with Lily. She sighed tearfully opening her eyes hanging the picture back again at the wall, and suddenly a little piece of paper could be seen peeking out from behind. With her eyes widening, Ivy brought the paper out and saw it was a whole envelope.

Ivy's eyes watered as she read the to words on the envelope 'To Ivy'. Lily left her a letter? Without thinking twice Ivy opened the envelope revealing a letter. Her stomach dropped as Ivy saw Lily had really left her a letter dating july 31st, 1981. Ivy began reading.

31st July, 1981.
Harry's first birthday.

Hello Ivy,

I hope its you who is reading
this right now.

I dont know why even am I writing this, with no surity if you will ever read this. But still, all I want to say is, Thankyou Ivy for coming in our lives. You might think I am being sarcastic but no, I really want to thank you, because after you arrival and leaving I've know one thing, that you are the only one who can keep James happy after I am gone.

Yes, I think I havent got more to live. Today is Harry's first birthday and James, Sirius, Remus and Harry are all dancing and celebrating in the living room right now, while I am here writing this as I cannot just pretend that my family is safe with the dark wizard trying to get in our lives.

But for that I've found a way, that will surely protect Harry from him. And I am going to do it, because my family's life matters more to me than mine. I havent told about this to James or anyone, because they wont let me do it. But in the end someone will have to step ahead, and I shall be the one for that.

And as now, you are reading this, I certainly am not around. No worries. Just please take care of Harry and James for me, will you?

Start a new life with him, make him and yourself happy, live it all, please. As much as my heart shatters to write this but James loves you, Ivy. Then please dont let him be alone. And for last, I will be more than happy if you bring the light back to my family's life.

Thankyou once again, Ivy.

Ivy's breathing became heavier as the tears from her eyes wouldn't stop falling. Each and every word in the letter was causing her to shatter more and more. But she knew she was going to do what Lily had asked her to. She will do everything possible to make James and Harry happy.

"Ivy are you ready?" Remus called from outside the door with a soft knock. Shit. She wasnt ready.

"Five more minutes, Rem!" She called quickly shuffling through her things. She didnt know what to do. Instantly her eyes fell on one more of Lily's picture kept on the table, in that Lily wearing a white long dress her red hair open, minimal makeup could be seen in it. But Lily looked beautiful as ever.

Ivy smiled knowing what to do.

"Finally!" Remus huffed in relief as Ivy, after fifteen minutes finaly opened the door coming out ready for her wedding. "You girls take really long to get ready"

"As if Sirius isnt styling his hair till now." Ivy scoffed playfully. Remus nodded in agreement with a smile. "By the way, you look really beautiful."

"Why, Thankyou!" She smiled.

"So are we ready to go?" Remus asked holding his arm out, "May I?"

"You may." Ivy smiled linking their arms. Remus handed her bouquet of flowers he had got. "Dumbledore is here, let get doen there quick."

Remus felt Ivy tense beside him a little, but as he looked at her she put up a little smile. Only if he knew Ivy had really hated the old man. He led themselves downstairs and out to the lawn where the wedding was to be conducted.

Ivy inhaled sharply as they were now finally going out in the law, where her husband to be stood waiting for her. Ivy couldnt believe at all that she was getting married. She never imagined marriage would ever call to her.

Suddenly her eyes fell in ahead of her, where on the little stage three figures could be seen standing, along with a tiny one. In the baby blue robes was Dumbledore whom Ivy recognised with no difficulty. Half moon shaped glasses, long white weird and calm looks across the face.

But something about him made her feel a little uneasy, she didnt know why. But not wanting to stress much on it Ivy darted her eyes to her husband to be. Husband. She just couldnt believe it.

There he stood...


James and Ivy get married!💥

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