1. Catalina Zitlal Black

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  Age: 17
"Hey cat you ready? Can't miss your flight" my mom said walking into my room. "Umm yeah I just have to close my luggage and I'm good to go." I zipped it up and walked out the house. "You aren't leaving without saying bye to your old man." My dad said coming out the house. I ran up to him giving him the biggest hug ever. "I'm going to miss you dad. A lot." I said. "I know mama but this is a good thing. You will get closer to your quileute tribe." He said kissing my forehead. I just nodded my head and said my last goodbye before getting in the car with my mom. My parents thought it would be a good idea to move with my uncle Billy in La Push, Washington. My mother is part of the Quileute Tribe, And she wanted me to be more connected with my ancestral roots. My father on the other hand is Aztec, when I was about 7 we moved from La Push down to Tenochtitlan, Mexico. I honestly am excited to be moving I get to know more about my moms side. I wasn't complaining I am happy to get connected with my quileute side. But I will miss everyone here in tenochtitlan.


Looking around the airport to see if I find my uncle only to be met with a teeth smiling Jacob. I ran over to him and gave him a hug. "I missed you" I said. "I have to Cat. I'm happy to have you back". He helped but my luggage in the car and we drove off making our way to the Rez. The drive down to la push was extremely beautiful. The forests were especially breathtaking it seems as if they were calling out to me. The longer I looked the more I felt gravitated to them.
  Pulling up to a familiar red house I got out the car and ran to my uncle Billy who was waiting outside. "Uncle Billy happy to see you again!" I said leaning down to hug him. "Catalina, look at how much you've grown! Happy to have your face around here again." He said with a big smile. "Come on in and get settled. Your room is the one next to Jacobs. Welcome home cat."  He said and wheeled off. Jake came in with my luggage leading me to my room. I gave him a smile and thank him. Looking around my room I smiled, it definitely was my style. The queen size bed with white comforter and a blue throw over blanket with Aztec prints. The walls where painted white and the whole room had hints of black and green. "My dad called your mom. We both thought it would be best to have this room styled to your liking. Hope you like it." Jake said scratching his neck. " I love it thank you." He smiled. "Well I'm going to let you rest. Tomorrow I have some people to introduce you too. Goodnight" and with that he walked away leaving me alone in my new room. I smiled to myself and jumped on the bed. " I'm going to love it here, I can just feel it" I said to myself.


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