3. 🐺

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*2 months later*

The group that was once 4 is now 2. Embry and Jacob don't hang out with Quil and I. Embry just avoids me at all times. Jacob tries to but it's hard for him because we live in the same house. Uncle bill says Jacob is going through a rebellious stage. I chose not to question it any further but I do miss the two boys. "Hey beautiful." Quil said as I got onto his truck. "Heyyy" I said buckling up as he drove away. Over these past 2 month Quil and I became more than friends but I won't say we are dating. We are getting to know each other. "I'm going to drop you off  at school, I gotta go back home I'm not feeling good" Quil said. I put my hand on his forehead feeling for a headache. "Omg Quil you are burning up. What the hell." He just smiled shyly and dropped me off.  
Walking into class I was greeted by Jared and his girlfriend Kim. "Kim you look wonderful today." I said sitting next to her. "Why thank you cat, but you my friend always look amazing. Teach me your ways." She said and I laughed. "Hey back off cat she's mine." Jared said hugging Kim. I help my hand up "hey bro don't want no problems." I said sarcastically. Paul walked in class sitting in the only empty seat and for my luck it was next to me. He looked at the seat at rolled his eyes. "I'm not happy about it either lahote." I said. Jared let out a chuckle. I smacked him on the neck and Kim just laughed. Paul is a hot head and the school fboy. Every girl falls at his feet and I can't seem to understand why. I mean I won't lie the boy is handsome but I don't see the big deal. Paul had a thing about eye contact he never did it and he gets mad I've the smallest things. Don't know what's up his ass all the time. "Cat are you going to be at the bonfire tonight?"  Jared asked. "Yes I am, he wants me to listen to the tribe legends. When I was little my mom always talked about them. They are quite interesting." I said doodling in my notebook. "Do you believe in them?" Paul asks. "Oh so he does speak. And I want to but I've never seen the shapeshifters. So I won't believe it until I see it." I said tapping the pen. "Yeah well good luck." Paul stood up and left the classroom.


"Hi I'm Emily you must be Catalina." A women with long black hair and some scratches on her face said. "Yes I am, it's nice to meet you Emily. Do you need help with that?" I said as I saw her struggle with the Tupperware full of food. She nodded her head and As I was reaching for the container Sam stepped in and helped. "It's ok cat I got it. Billy's about to start you girls should go sit." Sam said and I nodded.  I sat in between Quil and jacob. Right across from me was the one and only Paul I look at him and rolled my eyes. Soon after that my uncle started talking about the legends.
"But our tribe isn't the only tribe who has legends on these shapeshifters isn't that right cat. Would you mind talk about the Aztec legends. I would love to hear about la loba mágica." My uncle said looking at me which caused everyone else to do so. " of course, just as the quileute tribe has its stories on shapeshifters so does my Aztec tribe. They are very similar down to the alphas, enemies, even imprints. But one difference is la loba magica which means the magic wolf. However this wolf is a female and a powerful one. She's known to become the female alpha of any pack she's in. Aztec or not. But only the female wolfs obey her the males respect her like royalty. It's said that when the original pack shifted she was the only female to do so. And generation after her had one female to shift. Her fur white as snow with a patch on her forehead usually the shape of a heart. My favorite part is that the patch is a different color usually the color of her imprint if he is a wolf. If not it's just simply black. The elders back in Mexico say they feel like la loba magica is going to return at any time. And that the pack who gets her will be the greatest and the most powerful of our time." I finally looked away from the fire and felt someone's eyes burn a whole in my face I looked up and Paul was staring. It was the first time we looked into each other's eyes and I was stuck. I felt calm, at peace, and it was hard to look away. "Well wasn't your great grandfather the alpha of the original pack?" Elder quil said. "Yes he was. Itzcoatl Zitlal. But he was known as a king not Alfa." I said looking away from Paul but he still stared. "Wait so your dad is Rey Zitlal?" Jared said sounding surprised. "The one and only." I said. Jared looked at Paul and laughed. "Looks like paullie here is in for a ride." He said patting his shoulder.

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