2. New Girl

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Waking up to the smell of bacon, eggs, and pancakes will forever be my favorite way to wake up. After a morning stretch I hopped out of bed and made my way to the restroom. After Doing my normal morning routine I walked into the kitchen only to see Jacob dancing while flipping a pancake. "Nice moves Jake." I said trying not to laugh out loud he turned around and gave me a smile. "You know your jealous because you don't have good moves like I do" he said patting my head. I just rolled my eyes and began to eat.
  After breakfast Jake told me to get ready because he was going to introduce me to his best friends and Bella. He seems to have a little crush on her but is completely trying to deny it. "Cat you ready?" Jake yelled from the living room. I walked out from my room and following Jacob to his truck. The drive to forks is nice but nothing compared with to the forests down at the rez. We pulled up to a little White House it's cute. Jacob parked the car and we both walked out. Making a girl about my height walk out and greet Jacob with a hug. I assumed it was Bella right away. " who is this Jake?" Bella said rudely. "I'm his cousin Catalina but you can call me Cat." I said holding my hand out. "Oh yeah Jake has spoken of you. It's nice to meet you." She said not paying attention to the fact that I had my hand out. "Hopefully he said nice things" I said putting my arm around jakes waist. Bella just looked at me and roller her eyes heading into the house. I don't know what's her problem but I just know she's going to be a problem. I sighed and followed Jacob. She talked about her boyfriend Edward and I honestly felt bad for Jake he looked so heartbroken. Making me hate her more for leading him on.
  After a couple hours we finally leave Bella's house and I couldn't be any more happier. She doesn't like me and she let it be known the feelings mutual. "How'd you like Bella. She's cool isn't she." Jacob said as he drove back to the rez. "She doesn't like me." I said. Jacob just sighed "just give her some time she'll come around." I just nodded my head looking back out the window. We pulled up to the house and two boy were outside and ran to the truck when they saw Jake. "Dude where'd you go?" The taller boy said. "He probably went with his girlfriend Bella." The shorter one said. I laughed causing both of them to turn my way. "Who's this?"  They said. "She's my cousin. Cat this is embry and that's Quil. Guys this is Catalina aka cat." They both out there hand out and I smiled reaching for their hand. "It's nice to meet you guys. & yes we were at her house." I said. "You aren't a big fan either?" Quil said. "Nope she's rude and self centered. I don't think she likes me much." I said laughing the boys did the same.
  We walked all around the rez and made our way to the beach. La push was better than I expected it's only been my second day and I'm already in love with it. "Are you going to school tomorrow?" Embry spoke up  "yeah my first day. What should I expect? Any girls like Bella?" I said. " haha good one and some but you will fit in. If anyone bothers you let me know I got you girl." Embry said as he put his arm around my shoulders. "Call back off my cousin is off limits" Jake said and embry put his hands up. Quil laughed. Now these guys are more my vibe.

*next day*

Turning my alarm off I let out a groan. I stayed in my bed for a couple more minutes until I was forced out of bed by Jacob. I finished getting ready for school and both jake and I headed out. As jake parked the car we were created by a smiling Quil and embry who didn't look so good. I looked at him a weakly smiled asking him if he was ok. He just nodded his head and walked away. "Don't know what's wrong. He woke up like that." Quil said. "Maybe a stomach bug." Jacob said and I just shrugged my shoulders. "Who are they?" I asked looking at a group of boys who had just pulled into the parking lot. They reminded me of the guys back in Mexico who are around their age. "Oh them, they are part of Sams cult. Don't talk to them they might jump you into their gang." Jake said. "Really jake. Don't be rude I'm sure they are just gym rats." I said "yeah right, come on let's get you your schedule." Quil said and we all walked to the office. I had 3 classes with Quil and 2 with Jake which was a relief knowing I won't be a loner.
  I walked into my first period alone making my way to the back trying to keep a low profile. As I sat down in comes 2 of the boys Jacob told me about they looked my way and I just turned my head. "Hey You're new aren't you? Haven't seen you around." One of the boys said.  "Yeah just moved, I'm Catalina and you are?" I said waiting for his response. "Im Jared and that's Paul. He's not one to talk." He said looking back at him. I moved my head to look at Paul only to see him flirting with a girl in class. "Oh hey not one to talk." I said laughing Jared just chuckled at my comment and sat in the seat next to me. The rest of the school day went smooth now I was just waiting for Jacob in the parking lot. "Need a ride?" I turned around to see Jared. "No, just waiting for my cousin. Thanks." I said. "Man come on let's go. Dont waist your time." Paul said. I just looked at him with a wtf face. "I gotta go nice meeting you Catalina." Jared said with a smile and drove off. Just as he left Jacob "what did Jared want?" He said annoyingly. "Asking if I needed a ride. Don't get mad." I said and Jake just rolled his eyes.

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