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Laboratory of Medusa


"Here in the Laboratory of Medusa . . . everything . . . is possible,"

An eleven year old Liqueenia was laying in a single bed — strapped down tightly with multiple leather belts around her small body to prevent her from moving — right in the middle of the spacious chamber filled with different kinds of machinery and everything medical related, and people in long white lab coats buzzing back and forth.

Her eyes darted anywhere she could; wide and terrified.

"We make impossible things happen. We make fictional people exist."

A woman slowly approach Liqueenia, together with a few people behind her, holding something she could explain like a helmet but with multiple wires in it.

"Now, now, little one, don't be scared," the woman ushered. Her voice was sweet and soothing, yet her face screams inhumanity and viciousness.

Liqueenia couldn't help but to clench her fists and bite her lower lip as they slip the helmet on her head and attach all the multiple wires on her temple, neck, shoulder, and chests. Forcing her to open her mouth, they had to slap her a few times just for her to obey, before inserting something like a teeth guard on it, only making her sweat more and further clench her fists it almost draw blood from how tight it is.

"We are the reason why heroes exist! We made them! And We. Want. To. Make. More."


Liqueenia's groans of agony was the only sound that could be heard across the room.

It's painful. It's deadly. Her head . . . Her head feels like it would slit into two. Her body feels beaten; like someone has been punching her, kicking, smashing. She wants it to stop. But yet, she has no control with it. She wants to scream in hopes to atleast ease the pain, but the teeth guard on her mouth stops her from doing it. The way she clenches her fists tightly that her knuckles now had gone pearly white; small hands getting messed up with red liquid from her palms due to how deep her nails had sunk in, the way her teeth dig on the teeth guard, and the way her whole body tenses up from the pain — explains enough how agonizing the thing is. All she could do is to endure death until it stop. Or rather, if she could make it out alive when it comes to stop.

"And you Liqueenia,"


"Will be,"


"Our . . .


Greatest Masterpiece."

All Liqueenia could see before her eyes failed her from keeping it alive, was the wide grin on the woman's face — the woman who put her in this unforgivable agonizing misery, before she completely ran out of consciousness.

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 07, 2021 ⏰

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