Chapter Eight

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The thieves moved closer to them with guns in their hands pointing it at them. They opened the car and asked Ajmal and Amal to come down. Right now they are both panicking.

" I should have asked the securities to follow me, I messed up" said Ajmal thinking to himself.

" I really blamed my self...and the king asked me to stay bu...but I said no" Amal also blaming her self and was hiding at the back of Ajmal.

The gang leader took a close look at both of them, he turned to his boys and said " haha!!!! See who we have the crown prince and the future queen am so pleased to meet you both"

" Now what did you want? Money just name your price and I will give it to you" said Ajmal shouting at the leader

" Wow,!!! The crown prince  is so  generous....we are lucky tonight"
And his boys laughed at his words. The gang leader moved towards Amal, she can smell his whole body stinking of alcohol, the smell want to make her to throw up.

He held her hand and said " our future queen is very beautiful, just look at her shining skin"

Ajmal was getting upset and said " if you dere touched her I swear you are going to regret the day you are born"

" Oh!!! Really, I would like to see what you are going to do" Said the gang leader looking very angry.

He told his boys to hold Ajmal and he started punching him on his face. Ajmal face was full of blood.

Amal was begging them to leave him alone but they turned deaf ears. With tears in her eyes she wants to move closer to Ajaml but was stopped by the gang leader.

The gang leader looked at Amal from head to toes and said " it will be a pleasure to have you tonight my queen"

He was rubbing his hands on her body. Amal was in fear, thousand thoughts going on her mind. With a shaking voice she turned to the gang leader and said " anything you want we are going to give it to you. Just....just let us go please!!!" Amal was seriously begging them.

"  I don't want your money but I want you future queen" said the gang leader who was now laughing, his boys also laughed.

"  What!!!! I repeat if you dere hurt a single hair on her body you will pay"  said Ajmal trying to free himself

" Now you are going to watch your dear queen how she pleasures me and my boys"

Amal was was now terrified... She was praying to Allah to show mercy upon her.

" Please don't do anything to me, please" Amal was pleading to them

" I won't hurt you my queen...I just want you to satisfy my sexual urge, and it not only me including my boys"

Ajmal could not believed what he just heard the four of them are going to rape her. " No!!! Please don't do it I beg you" Ajmal was now shedding tears.

The gang leader told his boys to beat up Ajmal to keep his mouth shut...they beat him blue black and tied him on a tree beside them. he was now powerless.

He told his boys to hold Amal and lie her down... She was screaming at the top of her lungs,they used cloth to cover her mouth to stop her from screaming. They tore Amal cloths, she was now naked with only her pant and bra on.

Ajaml could not looked at her....he has not even seen her nakedness before but this was his first time...he  could not do anything because he was tied on a tree but was still struggling.
Amal was also struggling but their power is more than her, suddenly she lost her strength. They took turn to raped her. She was crying and shaking her head. Ajaml was also crying, he couldn't bear to see what they're doing to her.

It was the last boy turn to rape her suddenly Amal passed out.

He called on his boss and said " boss, I think...I think she is dead"

" What!!!, How managed" shouted the boss
The boy was now shaking " boss I don't know I did nothing to her"

" Ok...ok this is what we are going to do we are leaving this place right now and we are taking their car along with us, now let move" shouted the gang leader, they entered into the car and drove off with speed.

Ajmal looked at them as they drove off.... he watched Amal body laying lifelessly on the floor. Trying to free himself, but the rope was too strong.

Amal!!!!!! He shouted her name.

A car was approaching them. When Ajaml noticed the car he was calling for help... The car stopped, a man stepped out of the car and was terrified at the scene in from of him. He spotted Ajmal being tied up at a tree , and Amal lying down on the cold floor. The man immediately called the police and an ambulance. The man untied Ajmal and all his body become sour, he quickly moved closer to Amal, he uses her Vail to cover her body. He tried to wake her up but she was unconscious. Ajmal was a little relief that she was still breathing. The man stayed with them till the police arrived with an ambulance. Amal and Ajmal was taken to the hospital.

Everyone in the empire was traumatized at the news. Including the king and the Queens.

Amal wakes up after two weeks been in coma. She opened her eyes looking at her surrounding she knows that she was in the hospital. Her face landed on Ajmal who was sitting on a chair beside her and called his name.

"Ajmal" she softly called him. He opened his eyes and was elated that Amal has opened her eyes.

" Amal!!! are you okey?? Should I called the doctor"

" No am fine, I just need water"

He quickly poured her a glass of water to relief her sour throat. Amal remembering what happened was now shedding tears.

" Am so sorry Ajmal"

" You don't need to be sorry it wasn't your fault that it happened, stop crying Amal"

" How will I face the king, now everyone know that i...I was raped" her tears was now dropping after she said the word rape.

" Just stop it matter what happened nothing can stopped the love I have for you, your love will always remains in my heart" Amal blinking away the tears in his eyes.

Amal looked at him with her body trembling and said" I..i have loosed my virginity with four men, you are the man I want to dis virgin me on our wedding night now it's ruined" Amal was now crying uncontrollable.

" Oh!!! Come on Amal just forget about that, seeing you makes me happy, you are the only woman I love and will ever loved no one will replaced your love in my heart"

Amal looked at him with a serious face.

" Are u sure of what you are saying"

" Yes Amal I'm very sure, and am not going to leave you always remember that" Ajmal kissed her forehead. With his words Amal felt relived.

The king and queens came to looked  Amal at the hospital before she was discharged. She was happy that people don't used what happened to judge her except for Ajmal's mother saying her son will not marry a girl that was raped. Ajmal insisted that it's only Amal he will marry. These makes the senior queen to changed towards Amal.

Those criminals were later caught using the car to track them. They were charged to court and sentenced to 25 years imprisonment each with hard labour.

After a month.

Amal was feeling funny.. she don't know what wrong with her. The talked to her best  friend Khalida and she advised her to see a doctor. They both went to the hospital together, that is there Amal heard the news that she was pregnant.


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