Chapter Sixteen.

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After the incident with Dina, Amal regretted slaping Dina on her face.

" Oh Allah!!! Am loosing my patience, please help me, shower your blessings upon me" Amal prayed to Allah with tears in her eyes.

Her personal maid Zaitun entered into her room and saw Amal sitting on the prayer mat and crying to her Lord.

After Amal has finished praying, she saw Zaitun sitting beside her and also in tears. She was terrified to see her crying, she has no idea what's making her so sad.

" What's wrong Zaitun?? Why the tears??" Said Amal putting her hands on her shoulder.

" My queen!!! Am sad because you are not happy, you have been so kind to me, so seeing you in tears also makes me to shed tears."

Amal hugged her and said " Zaitun am glad that you care so much about me.. but it's only me that understand why am crying.. I'm crying to Allah to answer my prayers"

" Your majasty, I also understand your pain. I know what you are going through in this palace. I understand it all"

Amal sighed and said " thank you Zaitun for your care"

Zaitun looked at her and said " my queen, I have the believe and I also know that Allah will turned your tears into a smile"

" Ameen" replied Amal with a smile on her face.

Later in day, Amal was talking to Khalid, Dina looked at the two of them.

" Hmmm!!! Khalid is the personal servant of the king and he is also loyal to him while Amal is the queen the king loves the most...with that I know what to do". Dina thought to herself and had a small smile on her face.

Dina knocked on senior queen's room, she asked her to come in. She sat opposite her and said " mother!! Alot happened in this palace when you are away".

Senior queen was wondering what has happened and she has not heard of anything since she returned from her trip. She looked at Dina and said " tell me what happened, I really need to know or something bad happened"

Dina sighed and said " it was really terrible mother. Can you believe that I caught queen Amal trying to poisoned Amira".

Senior queen was surprised " what!!! And what did you do when you caught her?"

" When  I confronted her, she slaped me"

" She must be insane for slapping should have slaped her back and also report her to the king"

" Mother you should trust me now, I wanted to slaped her back but the king held my hand. To crown it all, the king also gave an order that she must be close to Amira"  Dina was looking unhappy.

Senior queen hummed and said " I don't even know why Ajmal always support her, am sure she must have given him something....I never liked that girl from the beginning. But don't worry Dina, I'm going to meet her right now, she need to explained to me what give her the guts to slap you."

" No! No! Mother please don't go and meet her ooh because the king said he don't want any trouble in the palace, Just leave her alone. I have figured out what will send her away from the palace for good and never returned."

" What that tell me" senior queen was eager to hear what Dina has figured out. Dina moved closer to the her and explained everything in her ear.

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