Chapter Thirteen.

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Dina was in her room, Amal's words has been disturbing her for the past few weeks. "I really need to teach her a lesson, that she will never forget in her life, how dare she say such words to me and I can't even get my mind off it"  she thought to herself. Suddenly she felt a little pain on her lower abdomen, and also a sharp pain around her waist.

Haaaa!! She shouted in pain. Simbiat who has been sitting at the far end of the room heard her shout and quickly ran towards her.

" My queen are you alright?? Said simbiat panicking

" I think it time...go and get the delivery bag and call the king" said Dina trying to hold herself.

" Yes my queen, I will be back" simbiat hurriedly walks out of the room.

Ajmal ran towards Dina's room and saw her having contractions. He was nervous to see her that way. Some maids also came to help Dina out of the room. Everyone in the palace were worried about Dina, they are all praying for her safe delivery.

They arrived at the palace hospital. The nurses took her to the labour ward.

Ajmal, Amal and also the senior queen were waiting anxiously outside the ward. Hearing Dina's shout has been disturbing Ajmal he was just walking back and front at the hospital corridor.

" By Allah grace she is going to have a safe delivery" said senior queen trying to calm him down.

Ajmal only said " Amin"

" My king please come and sit down" said Amal with a resigned face.

" How can you tell me to sit down Amal when Dina is in there I can't even think straight"

" She and the baby are going to be fine"

Senior queen looked at Amal and said " stop pretending Amal.. because am sure that you are praying in that your dirty mind she should die with her pregnancy"

What!!! Amal and Ajmal both exclaimed

" What rubbish are you uttering mother?? How could you think that I can even pray for her death" said Amal shedding tears.

" Stop the crocodile tears Amal....I heard all the things you said to her some weeks back that she and the baby will die"

Ajmal couldn't believed what is mother was saying and also how will Amal say such a thing. He was just looking at both of them.

Amal moved closer to Ajmal with tears in her eyes and said " my king don't listen to her, it all lies, that not what I said"

Ajmal sighed he looked at her and said " this is not important right now Amal... Dina is more important to me"

Senior queen turned to Ajmal and said " I don't know what she has given you that you always support her even when she wished your wife and unborn child died"

" Mother we are going to discuss this later just let pray Dina is going to deliver safely"

The three of them were silently saying their prayers that Allah to show mercy on Dina. Amal was really praying hard so that Allah can shame her enemy.

After about two hours in the labour room. The doctor walks out with sweat on his forehead and smiled towards the king. They all looked at the doctor waiting for him to tell the news.

" Congratulations your majasty, your queen has put to bed"
They all shouted happily.

" How is queen Dina?? Hope she and the baby are fine" said Amal looking worried.

" Yes my queen they are both healthy"

Amal was really excited, Allah has really shamed her enemy because if something happened to Dina and her baby she will be in a big problem.

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