Trying to trust each other again

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Thin: well that was a pen ass finally escaping that motherfucking tower field we can buy this guess what asleep meanwhile fairy man find thin just laying around decide to bring them  to the maw that couple minutes later and the Lady quarters lady: sigh he looks rough thanks leave me now and ferryman just leave her side And thin turn to the wake up glares at her for a bit too tired to feel like doing anything head she says to him yet I deserve that glare before you get after me can I spank well would you rather beat the stuffing out of me Orr strangle the fuck out of me thin to hear you're lucky I feel like you were saying and I'm too tired to feel like doing anything I think my own explanation after what I've done for you and take that damn thing off you look really ridiculous wearing that damn mask I know it's you we may have not talk very much as kids but summer reason it feels familiar if you don't mind silk and I haven't cigarettes and something to eat Anna starving no not really much there in the void where you left me bitch Lady says to him fine I'm a little pissed that you called me a bitch but I diction harsh tones I'll start off by saying I'm sorry and I'm an idiot I realize that I've been wrong yes it took me a long time but I'm stupid I think I'm blonde and make stupid mistakes since I was a kid here's my explanation though simple it's you when you look like the man been captured me too just looked really weak sniffling and crying that's when I still had a hold of your hand and I was just thinking what was him to cry about it understand when I dropped you but really and you were too afraid to save me from your self cowering in the corner when I reached out for you and you did nothing you didn't even try and there's no way I was gonna feel the same way I did how much to say I tried to save somebody failed to save them I thought you were too weak to survive in this world well if I had to save you from something and I couldn't I just didn't want that grease again was not easy getting over it the first time when it happened yeah bullshit reasons to do it because of survival but I swear in the world we live in everybody's just trying to survive we can either hate me for it or we eventually try to get along with each other again work things out in trust one another again thin says to her I don't really understand the recent find it but at least I finally know I'm sorry let you down I'm still angry at you button I'm guessing overtime is more we talk to get to know imagine meet me we will have a chance being the same like it are used to be yeah I'm sorry to say but since you did offer I want to do the beat the shit out of so yeah may make you feel a little bit better just to get a little Ethan but I can't picture myself kill you it be sad fashion for a bit but Indian well I didn't know revenge just more loneliness then I don't really wanna be alone anymore I just glad that I'm just glad I finally somehow got enough energy and strength to break out of that area finally leave I think I'm starting to gain back some of my sanity I've been like in between going crazy and not going crazy and what the hell is this weird ass looking meat do I wanna know what it is it's better than nothing Lady laughs and says to him well yeah you really don't wanna know sometimes I wish I didn't know  especially if I was him mother someday figure out something else does that give you a somewhat hint thin says to her yes it does yeah little awkward but I guess it's been nothing so weird never thought about finding a different  Lady says no not yet we're not really until you just said something and probably good idea for a different  meet I really have no ideas though but hey the kids are somewhat properly taken care of not really but better than nothing interesting he said to her anything I can help with make me a brainstorm some ideas Lady said to him thank you I appreciate that think about I mean we can brainstorm things together so I'm guessing you have enough raced it beats stuffing out of me  thin smiles at her's life it says I think so is beating the shit out of her oh good I feel a whole lot then I'll thanks for the add and that sorry but it's not like you didn't deserve it Lady says to him oh that's smart well I guess I deserve that definitely thanks for giving me another chance glad we glad we can try to work things out thin give her a big smile just like he was if he was still a little kid it says to she yeah me too I am just really tired of being a load please actually promise me that you'll never leave me again I don't think I'll be able to handle it again if you next time you won't be so lucky Lady smile at him when is the first time he's ever seen her smile he thinks it's really cute and says yeah no more games I'm never gonna mess with your feelings and again I promise and he need looks behind her just to make sure she ain't her behind her back And she was not in she looks at him funny and says to him What the fuck I know what I deserve that thin no shit Sherlock you did  and laughs it will definitely be slow but I look forward to it lady says to him I do too

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