Lady starts to develop feelings for him

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Lady:Is it just me does he look attractive for some odd reason we think  dammit have exulting of me talking to a man that can't see you won't be able to enter me sorry Roger I forgot Roger: that's all right my lady to be honest i'm not a big fan of him or at all impress me yet  him and wouldn't kids letting them escape  I mean he catches them I don't know what happens after that I just don't think they come back here and where has he been finding this different meet pretty sure there's nothing like that in our world Lady says to him I have no idea I don't know what he's doing he doesn't tell me anything why are you act like we're that close anyway and we're just acquaintances I this was kind of thinking it was good looking just like you kind of got your arms chapter I did not know anything about that but I didn't know about them getting stitch together I don't know who it was it was just some random kid definitely not me  Roger says to her no pressure you don't know what's going on and did you really have to bring that up i'm still very curious I really wanna know which kid didn't do luckily for me somebody did show up and help me huh retouch my arms that's why other stitches on them again I should've figured it was the kid that likes to call me dad and that young lady decided whenever if she grew up she wasn't going to be cold six anymore  but lady six not much difference though and to your original can you like finally explain it or you don't feel like it hey Steve says to him yes person in charge yeah I don't think I need to explain anything to you so sorry old man I mean that's what he told me he's just so smart always been smart sigh why did it take so long to realize it was it because I was a child that then what is that why things happen search a fool picks on me about it what  while but can't stop thinking that he's either joking or serious I think it's a little both I just don't know anymore I went wasn't I do that again well power has been read done over and I'm very nervous same things just keep on happening obviously put only for me it's probably different than the other times i'm just not real sugar thin says to her skews me I interrupt this conversation you're having with him an old man you can glare at me all you want I'll just I don't get what your problem is with me but whatever I really don't can I just really need to talk to her well she says To him Open I'll have to talk to you later I need to talk to us in someway and right now he's kind of more important than you sorry they both just leave so thin I can't random question I took a picture of this have any idea who is that supposed to be your time picture of us hanging man what is phone and she's probably just thinking to her self we may where did he get a phone yet and then she reminded her self oh yeah oh yeah he can go few TVs and she says to him I noticed it before poor I'm not real sure no I didn't really work then again I didn't really care hard to care Presley from somebody you didn't even know I don't know I'm not real sure interesting decorations don't you think oh Wayment that's bad joke sorry i'm not real sure maybe her husband you know the lady before me yes the same one The same one I took power from and yes I did eat her can you stop laughing at me this is serious yeah and he asked me about that and I was like I don't know I don't know how to answer this question have you really been catching the kids and taking them far far away from here definitely far away from this world he said to her well yeah I have been oh yeah and you be happy to though we now starve beef and you're about to ask where have I been getting these things and where am I been sending to children and definitely far away from her well that's for sure I made sure they live better lives than they have here oh I just went somewhere else that has these things oh and my question do you want to continue running the maw oh I was just curious you don't have to answer me right away but this is what you wanna be doing for the rest your life really continuing make this place run list her powers in them obviously actually does a number on you lucky for you you haven't been using very much her she says to him no I haven't and I wouldn't mind time not running this place I don't mind leaving all this behind to be honest definitely be better for us canceling really put the past behind us yeah I would like that a better life do you want seems to survive yay I've been thinking you know how you've been risking leaving the kids here lately will you see if we can find others have around this world save the others so yeah what are you think and one more thing before you answer that I. I. .. 👉🏻👈🏻 been thinking it's kind of stupid I guess well it's stupid  thought but I think you're kind of a attractive he says to her and laughs what's funny I thought the same way well when we were kids I thought you were kind of cute oh and I guess I still think you're kind of cute so do you think it's destiny for us to be together or something like that she says to him maybe  you don't think that's completely crazy
He says to her know what I don't think that's crazy at at all I think that sounds like a good idea by the way damn it took you long enough

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