Aj Han vs Ohma Tokita

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Ohma:hey lady how about we have our fight first
Akane:sure I'm okay with that
Ohma:well you heard her
Aj Han:*high kicks*
Ayaka:that guy
Aj Han:*hook kicks*
Aj Han:*turns and left high kicks*
Aj Han:*upper kicks*
Aj Han:*starts kicking*
Aj:(no it's not my flow state but that dodging pattern it's)
Akane:foresight so he's achieved it
Aj-San:of course he has when Ohma was with the Kure he hasn't been doing average training there
Aj Han:*feints a kick*
Aj Han:*side kicks*
Akane:(this makes sense Aj's never dealt with an opponent who reads his movements before they happen it's usually within close contact where his moves are read but this is different)
Aj-San:he's dodging before they get into that distance so Aj can't try and use double attacks because he would just counter the second attack
Aj Han:*dodges and knee kicks*
Both:*striking and kicking*
Aj Han:*high side kicks*
Ohma:*steps back then goes past him and leans against his back*
Aj Han:*turns*
Ohma:*turns to the other side*
Aj Han:*turns*
Ohma:*stays against his back*
Akimitsu:they're trying to cover each other but it seems like they can't get it done!
Aj Han:*rolls over his back landing in front of him*
Ohma:*low kicks*
Aj Han:*dodges and jabs*
Ohma:*parries then jumps back* Kure family tradition:Silhouette
Aj Han:I see now *lowers his hands*
Aj Han:*twitches his fingers*
Aj:it's funny he's completed the style but still doesn't know about the other factors like the various other Aj's
Goku:what other factors
Aj:they're Niko style inspired like water moving, iron water and fire water
Goku:maybe he does I mean hasn't that version of your grandpa fought Niko
Kara:*stands next to them* fire walking is what we do his specialty isn't water it's wind
Aj:who are you
Kara:nice to see you again Aj I'm Kara
Aj:I don't know you
Kara:I don't exist in your universe huh
Aj:yeah if anything Akane took your place
Kara:I'm not surprised you only know about two step force
Aj:so what
Kara:there's so much more to exploit you're so incomplete so why don't you spar with me I'll teach you a lesson
Aj:you trying to pick a fight!
Goku:(this girl she has god ki)
Kara:don't yell like that she might attack me
Akane:*staring at them*
Aj Han:*low kicks*
Ohma:*dodges then knees*
Aj Han:*parries and elbows*
Ohma:*parries and spins then elbows him in the back of the neck* Kure family tradition:Heaven shaking supreme fang
Aj Han:*coughs up spit*
Aj Han:*swiftly upper kicks and falls back*
Ohma:*jumps back* still got more
Aj Han:*laying on the ground*
Ohma:guess you weren't as strong as you said you were
Aj Han:*slowly gets up* damn it how can I show my face like this *puts his neck back in place*
Ohma:(must've went loose in his joints but I'm not surprised) we getting serious now
Aj Han:*gets in stance* yeah I'll take it a bit more seriously
Ohma:you're not transforming
Aj Han:if you aren't then why should I
Ohma:fair enough *takes a step*
Aj Han:*high kicks*
Aj Han:*turns and hook kicks*
Aj Han:*pivots and axe kicks*
Kara:he's getting closer so you'll wanna watch this
Aj Han:*steps in and strikes*
Aj Han:*steps to the side and elbows*
Ohma:*dodges and back elbows*
Aj Han:*parries and strikes*
Ohma:*dodges grazing his side* tch
Aj Han:*front kicks*
Aj Han:*turns and kicks him in the side*
Ohma:*grabs his leg*
Aj Han:*lifts him up then kicks him in the gut then steps in striking*
Kara:exactly it's not like ours where we feel for muscles and you have the power to anticipate the future as well
Ohma:*steps to the side*
Aj Han:*kicks*
Aj Han:*strikes*
Ohma:*blocks then steps in and strikes*
Aj Han:*dodges and elbows him in the gut*
Ohma:*tightens his muscles* Adamantine kata:Indestructible
Aj Han:*jumps back*
Ohma:*looks at him*
Aj Han:don't think your foresight is perfect I'll crush you if we continue this game
Ohma:yeah you're right this isn't my style anyway *gets in stance*
Aj Han:*middle kicks*
Ohma:*blocks and strikes*
Aj Han:*dodges and side kicks*
Ohma:*parries pulling him in before kneeing*
Aj Han:*blocks*
Ohma:*grabs his hair then knees him in the side of the head*
Aj Han:*pushes his hand away then high side kicks*
Ohma:*narrowly dodges and strikes*
Aj Han:*turns dodging before back kicking*
Aj Han:*hops back and kicks*
Ohma:*blocks then grabs his leg and drops him*
Aj Han:*turns and tightens his muscles as he hits the ground* Chan copy:Indestructible
Ohma:*strikes downward* Adamantine and Water kata:Iron breaker Revolution!
Aj Han:*turns dodging as he kicks him over*
Ohma:*slides to his feet*
Aj Han:*charges at him and kicks*
Ohma:*blocks with his foot and strikes*
Aj Han:*blocks* weakness of the Niko style:It's not as efficient in fast paced combat
Aj Han:*parries*
Aj Han:*blocks and high side kicks him in the face then kicks him a few times*
Ohma:*steps in and elbows*
Aj Han:*dodges and kicks*
Ohma:*blocks and front kicks*
Aj Han:*dodges and side kicks*
Ohma:*turns and blocks with his foot as he slides back*
Aj Han:see what I mean
Ohma:*charges at him then fast steps around him* Flame kata:Flashfire
Aj Han:*closes his eyes*
Ohma:*strikes from behind*
Aj Han:*turns and parries downward*
Ohma:*steps in then turns and strikes*
Aj Han:*opens his eyes then swiftly kicks* limit breaker
Ohma:*dodges stepping forward* Flame kata ultimate technique:Earth shrinking
Aj Han:*stomps*
Ohma:*dodges and punches him in the chest* Iron breaker!
Aj Han:*turns then hook kicks him in the face*
Ohma:*pushes his leg away then hops up and knees*
Aj Han:*narrowly dodges as he strikes*
Ohma:*parries and shifts the weight*
Aj Han:*flies up*
Ohma:Weeping willow
Aj Han:*turns and kicks*
Ohma:*ducks then upper kicks*
Aj Han:*pushes his foot down then comes down and strikes*
Ohma:*elbows his hand*
Aj Han:*turns and pushes his hand down then steps in and kicks*
Ohma:*tightens his muscles taking it on his side as he knees him in the side*
Aj Han:*pushes him back*
Ohma:*steps in striking from multiple spots* Redirection and Water kata:Swimming Swallow
Aj Han:*blocking and dodging*
Ohma:*steps in punching him in the gut* Flame and Adamantine kata:Flashing steel!
Aj Han:*goes into Aj state and kicks him on the chin* True spin kick
AH Aj:*turns and kicks driving him to the ground*
Akimitsu:I think-
Aj-San:it's not over we just barely got started
AH Aj:still alive in there Tokita
Ohma:*activates advance as the dirt blasts into the air*
AH Aj:only the advance I thought I was worth more than that
Ohma:*charges at him and strikes*
AH Aj:*catches the punch* don't get ahead of yourself because you sped up a bit
Ohma:*reverts to base form then starts striking fast from various points* Flame, Redirection and Water kata:Flaming Water Swallow!
AH Aj:*blocking*
Ohma:*palms him in the chin*
AH Aj:*turns and kicks grazing his chest*
AH Aj:*swiftly kicks a few times grazing his body*
Ohma:*blood sprays from his chest* what the
AH Aj:*turns and knee kicks*
Ohma:*blocks then steps in and strikes*
AH Aj:*dodges and high side kicks him in the face*
Ohma:(I'll use that one on his next attack)
Aj-San:the fight will end with this next one
AH Aj:*turns and hook kicks him in the face*
Ohma:*turns and kicks him in the face driving him to the ground* Demonsbane!
AH Aj:*blown back*
Akimitsu:the same technique from last time
Aj Han:*laying on the ground*
Aj:for being stronger than me you definitely suck for losing against him
Aj Han:*slowly gets up as a vibrant aura sparks from his body*
Ohma:*gets in stance* okay then I'll finish this with-
Aj Han:*slides past him*
Ohma:*falls over*
Akane:it's over!
Aj Han:*aura fades as he looks down* I'm sorry but even with such techniques I wouldn't let you win easily

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