Chapter 4

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"Is she awake?" "Yeah,I think so." "Finally."-I heard some people talking while waking up with headache.Uh..where am I?-I asked trying to get up from the bed.I was in the hospital.Doctor said that something bit me.An animal,but they don't know which animal was it.I asked them to call Aunt Jessa but they said that she's been missing for 4 weeks now.That's for how long I am in the hospital.I knew that there's something wrong.She wouldn't left me.After couple of hours Ewan and Lilith came to check up on me.Where's Jessa?What happened to her?Why and how she went missing?-I had so many questions.They said that they have no clue idea what happened to her.It was like she just disappeared.There's no informations about her.-they said.Is there any chance that know...-I couldn't even say or imagine it.No,he always leave something destroyed behind him as a sign.-Ewan said very worried.Later that day they let me out from the hospital.I'm living with Lilith now,since Jessa left me.Lilith and me were preparing for new school year that starts tomorrow.I'm not in my best mood right now.There's too much things and thoughts going through my head.Lilith is trying to make me laugh but it doesn't work.Then she throw the pillow on me.I threw it back on her.We started throwing them on each other.It was so fun!
                             *𝒏𝒆𝒙𝒕 𝒅𝒂𝒚*

Ugh.I have to go to school.And our first class is history.Hopefully we'll have a new teacher.In a few minutes we'll find out.Lilith and me are going to school together.This year I'm not late.But I really miss Aunt Jessa's warnings that I'll be late and that it's better to hurry..Well we arrived.Lilith's house is close to school so it didn't took long.Let's go to our first class and see if we finally got new teacher.We are coming into the classroom..teacher is going to walk through the door every he comess.....and the moment of truth...DANG IT!It's same teacher as last year!Whole class was disappointed.Trust me I'm not happy to see you again too.But guess what?I can't choose!And AGAIN they told me to introduce you a new frickin student!DAMN WHY I EVEN ACCEPTED THIS JOB?!-he yelled.So let me introduce you this girl that's supposed to walk in now.-he continued.The girl came in.She looked very familiar to me.Wait a way!It can't be!!That's my ex best friend Nerezza!Last time when we saw each other it didn't end up very good..She looked at me half still angry half happy to see me.She sat next to the Ewan.Ugh look at her.She even sat next to Ewan!-I whispered to Lilith.Who is she?-Lilith asked me.She is my ex best friend.I hate her!-I whispered back.Luckily Ewan didn't pay attention on her,he didn't even look at her.After school I went to the library with Lilith.We were preparing for the exam.Lilith went to another side of the library to find some books that can help us,while o was waiting for her.

                           *𝒘𝒊𝒕𝒉 𝑳𝒊𝒍𝒊𝒕𝒉*

Let's see which book can help us...hmmm..maybe this one?Oh no!Ut's damaged!We can't use it now.I guess that there's something else which will be helpful...After some time of searching somebody bumped in Lilith.Oh my gosh!I'm so sorry,I didn't meant to....-the girl said.It's okay,no worries!What's your name?-Lilith said without looking at girls face.I'm Nerezza,we're in the same class,remember?-she seemed very friendly.Oh yeah,I do!Let me help you with that books..-Lilith started picking up books from the floor.Wait you have the National history of Ayrona?!-that was the book Lilith was looking for.Yeah,I'm preparing for our exam,but I need more Ayrona was made and when,how many people lived in it and that things...-Nerezza said.Well,Morrigan and I have all of that,do you want to join us?-Lilith trusted Nerezza pretty much.Wait Morrigan lives here?!-she asked so happy.Yeah,and she's with us in class,so what do you say,wanna join?-Lilith asked her even happier. I'd love to but I don't think that Morrigan would love that...-she said with sad look.Yeah..but what happened between you two if I may ask?-Lilith didn't want Nerezza to be sad,because she seemed very friendly.Well....last time when we saw each other it wasn't good.I ran to her  and tried to hug her,because we haven't seen each other in months.But she pushed me away,she found new best friend..I wanted to still be friends with her but she hated me.She started talking lies about me,when I asked her why she said that it's just a little revenge because I talked with her new best friend.I promised her that I'll find her again someday and it's been 5 years since I've been looking for her.From city to city,from village to village,from country to country,and it looks like I finally found her,but as I can see she still hates me...-Nerezza explained.Oh my!I'm sooo sorry for you,please,I insist,come and join us.-Lilith said.Okay,I guess.-she replied a little insecure.
-Morrigan:Lilith!Finally!!What took you so long?I've been waiting for years!
-Lilith:Sorry..By the way,look who's joining us!
-Nerezza:Uhh...hey....-she didn't know what to say.
-Morrigan:Really?!SHE is going to study with us?!SHE?!You know what I think about her!Why did you brought her here?!
-Lilith:Morrigan chill out.She's really friendly and she wants to help us,right Nerezza?
-Nerezza:Yeah.I have this book..Lilith said that it can help you.
-Morrigan:I don't need your help.-she said really annoyed.
-Nerezza:Oh....okay then...sorry...I guess that I'll just go then...-that broke her..she just wanted to be her friend again.
-Lilith:Don't!Stay please!!We all can study together.Morrigan?
-Morrigan:UGH OKAY FINE.
Hours have passed.Morrigan listened only to Lilith,she was ignoring every single world that Nerezza was saying.

                    *𝒂𝒕 𝑴𝒐𝒓𝒓𝒊𝒈𝒂𝒏'𝒔 𝒉𝒐𝒖𝒔𝒆*

Morrigan ran into the house and started throwing and breaking things around her.Aunt Jess came to her and asked what's going on.Morrigan explained everything.Jess tried to make her calm down and somehow she did it.Next day Morrigan went to school.She couldn't find Lilith anywhere.Nobody in entire school saw her.Then there was some strange scream all over the school.It was coming from outside.Morrigan ran out and saw Lilith and Ewan really worried.Hey guys,what's going on?-Nerezza came and asked them.Someone just got killed..this doesn't seem good..-Ewan was pretty much terrified.GUYS!OVER THERE!WE FOUND A BODY!!!-someone said.Everybody ran to girl that's killed.Lilith..this will maybe sound hilarious but she's killed by a vampire...-Nerezza whispered.Wait what?What do you know about vampires?!-Lilith was in shock.Please don't freak out but I'm the one...just as Morrigan's Aunt,or Ewan...-she explained.OH MY GOSH!THAT'S SO COOL!!-Lilith responded.Wow..I didn't expect that reaction...-Nerezza was really surprised.Then Ewan came to them and he knew what's going on too.Lilith stayed at school while Nerezza and Ewan were trying to find out who killed the girl.Umm Ewan..-she started.Yes?-he said.Are you sure that this isn't somebody really bad..?-Nerezza was scared.I'm not sure,but it's okay,you don't have to be scared.I'll protect you if you want.-he knew that it'll get worse just as Nerezza.I'd love that.If you need I'll protect the too.-she was happy because she found new best friend.Hahahah,sure why not!-Ewan was happy as much as Nerezza.

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