Chapter 2

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We're at my house,looking for some old books that might can help.Hey,look,maybe this one?-Lilith said while holding an old book.It was brown,covered with dust.We cleaned it and opened the first page.It was empty.Without any single word in it.We turned to next page.It was empty again.Then we thought that someone wrote it from the back,but nothing.Every page was empty.We were so confused.What's going on with it?-Lilith said very confused.I don't know...I never saw a book like this before..-I said.Maybe we should search for another one,this one definitely isn't going to help us.-I suggested.Yea but...I don't believe that it's just a coincidence.This book isn't created to just stay there,without anything in it.There must be a reason.I feel something about it,something like a connection,trust me Morrigan,this book is our solve,we just need to find out what's written in it.-Lilith said,she seemed very sure in what she was saying.Aunt Jessa walked in the room and saw us with book.She looked very worried and uncomfortable,like she was hiding something.How did you get that?And where?And why?-she said aggressively.Umm...we just found reason you know..-I tried to get us from this situation.Don't lie.I know that you two have a reason,and I want to know it.-she said pretty much mad.Morrigan is right,we don't have a reason,we just wanted to read it.-Lilith said but unsuccessful.Listen to me now,I know that there's a reason and you'll tell me.And put that book back.You two mustn't touch it or read it!!-she said very angry.Why is it such a big deal?We just wanted to see what's in it?And why do you care do much?It's just a BOOK.-I couldn't be silent anymore,I had to say it.Because it's...-she stopped.It's what?-Lilith asked her.I can't tell you...He wouldn't forgive me..-she said with afraid face.Who?Tell us please!We promise,we won't tel anyone!-Lilith and I said at the same time.Okay okay...I'll tell you,let's sit in the living room..I will make some tea.

                    *few minutes later*
-Me:So,tell us. you believe in supernatural creatures?-she said temptingly.
-Lilith:No of course,they're just a myth.
-Me:Yea,I agree.
-A.Jess:Oh,okay then,I guess that the voice from our house was just a wind..-she said trying to make us confused and it worked.We were in shock!
-Lilith:How do you know that?!
-A.Jess:Because I know who it was.
-A.Jess:Fitril Cryptbug.
-Lilith:We don't even know him!
-A.Jess:Of course you don't,you never met him,lucky to be you two.He's a ripper!He's going after thousands of us for more than 600 years now.
-Me:And for how long is he going after you?And why?
-A.Jess:For 600 years now..
-Lilith:How is it even possible?!
-A.Jess:I have to go now,figure it out by yourself.2+2 is 4.-she winked and went out.
-Me:Wait a second...when I was younger she would always tell me a story about supernatural creatures,like vanpires,witches,werewolfs and that things...
-Lilith:No,no, can't be...
-Me:It is...she's a...
-Both:Vampire.-we said,very scared.
-Lilith:Okay this explains everything,but why would someone chase her?
-Me:I...don't know....
When Jess came home I asked her why is Fitril Cryptbug going after her and how she became a vampire.She said that her best friend was a witch,and she helped her to turn into vampire.But Fitril killed her best friend and Jess gave a promise,she promised that she will kill him for Akela-that was her name.I asked her why Fitril want to kill her.She said something that left me without words.Well....-she started-           

Aunt Jess is going around and talking with someone,they look very similar.That's her sister,Dabria.Someone is waving at her,it was Forfax.They're together.It so sunny day.Here comes Akela,Jess's best friend.They are going for a walk.There's one baby in a crib.It's so cute!Suddenly wind came,clouds became angry and black,rain started,it seemed like it's the end of the world.But it wasn't.Fitril Cryptbug came and brought all terror and sadness with him,there wasn't any happiness around,all was gray,giving you bad vibes.Fitril started killing everyone.Akela tried to stop him with her power but he killed her.He throw a knife through her heart and she died in pieces.Jess was the only one who saw it.She felt on the ground next to Akela and started crying,she promised her that Fitril will be dead one day,just for her.Akela said that she loves her and started dying.One tear fell down her cheek.Jess cried next to the her body thinking about all things that her best friend wanted to do but now it's just unfulfilled wish.She wanted to find a love of her life and start her own family,since everyone from her family died.She wanted to make so many memories with Jess.But her biggest wish was to be with her family again.Now at least that wish came true.When they made Fitril go away everyone agreed to put Akela's grave next to the her mum's,dad's,brother's,grandparent's and cousin's grave.It was the hardest to Jess to accept that she's gone now.She cried whole time and she was full of anger.She wanted to kill Fitril as revenge.Not much time passed and he came back again,he wanted to kill the rest of us.It was so hrad to fight against him because he was older and stronger than everyone else.Dabria and Forfax came to Jess while they were trying to attack Fitril.Dabria said that she and Forfax will keep him concentrated on them so Jess can take the baby and run away.They knew what will happen.They knew that it's the end for them,but at least their daughter would be safe.It worked.Jess ran to the baby and took her.She said last words to her sister and ran away.Fitril killed Forfax and after that he killed Dabria too.They died while holding each others hand.Jess saw their dead from the forest,it was so painful,he made them suffer and then instantly killed them with a stake.They were vampires too.Filtril noticed that Jess and baby are gone and he came after them.He was haunting them for whole 600 years and he failed.
                       *𝒆𝒏𝒅 𝒐𝒇 𝒇𝒍𝒂𝒔𝒉𝒃𝒂𝒄𝒌*

So yeah..Your parents sacrificed theirselfs for you.And now you know why Filtril is coming after me.He wants to kill me,but when he comes,which will be soon,I'll take my revenge.-Aunt Jess said with tears in her eyes.I wanted to cry.My parents are dead because of me,and I didn't know that.Jess tried to make me calm down but she couldn't.Later that day I was in my bedroom,thinking about everything.I looked through the window,and saw Ewan coming to our house.He knocked and my aunt opened the door.Hello,some bird told me that this is the house of Morrigan Malson-he winked while smiling.Jess let him in,it's okay,he's not a robber-I said while coming downstairs.Hahahah,sure,come in-it seemed like Jess trusted him.So what's your name?-Jess asked him,I knew what she was trying.She thought that we're going to be together.I'm Ewan Parker,nice to meet you,I came here because I think that we need to talk.-he said very seriously.Wait,you're from Parker family?!-Jess said so surprised.Yeah,that's why I came here,since you two are the Malson family I came here to warn you.He's back.-you could hear concern in his voice.You mean Filtril?-I asked.Worse,a lot worse...-Jess said,too worried.What's going on?Who is it?-I wanted to know who is the person they're talking about so bad.I have to go,the sun is coming down,I'll tell you in school.Goodbye.-he ran out from the house.I was confused.I just went to my room kinda afraid and fell asleep.

As the sun goes downHikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin