Chapter 3

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I woke up in forest.Everything around me are long dark woods.I don't remember how I got there.My head hurts so bad.It's like someone hit me.What the hell?!My leg is all covered with blood!I tried to get up but I can't stand on that leg.This is horrible.I don't know where the hell I am and I can't walk!Brilliant.After some time trying to find out where is this forest I heard someone's scream.It was terrible,but it sounded familiar.I don't know how,but I started running towards where the scream was coming from.There's a big old house in front of me.It looks scary,with planks on windows,some parts of the house were ruined.It was quiet.Way too much quiet.Sream disappeared.There wasn't any sound.And there wasn't any animal.I walked to the door of the house.When I decided to knock and see if anyone is living in here the door opened by itself.Everything inside was covered with cobweb.I entered the house.It was so creepy.The door behind me closed.My heart stopped.I was so scared because I didn't know what is going to happen next.The house had two floors.And there were strange pictures on the walls all around the house.The scream was here again.But this time it was coming from the garden.I stood terrified for some time.Then I looked through the window and saw Aunt Jessa with someone.Now I understand.That scream sounded familiar because it's Aunt Jessa's scream.That man who was with her had a knife.I saw his eyes,they showed all the hatred and malice that was in him.He was torturing Aunt Jessa.I tried to get out from the house but I couldn't.The door was locked.I couldn't broke the windows either.Jessa was suffering and all I could do was watch her.After some time I finally broke the door and got outside.I ran to the garden but it was too late.Aunt Jessa was dead.I found her laying on the floor in her blood.I fell on my knees and started crying,then everything was dark.I couldn't see anything except the color black.Then I heard some strange voice.It said that I met his brother.I was in my bed,Aunt Jessa was looking at me.She looked worried.Jessa!!You're alive?!-I said with tears in my eyes.She was confused.Yea?Why wouldn't I?-she asked we even more worried than earlier.But I saw you dieing!How is this possible?And when I got home from the forest?!-I had so many questions in my head.Morrigan,are you sure that everything is alright?-she didn't know what to think..I told her everything that happened.She wanted me to describe her that man.I didn't saw his face,just his eyes.They were hiding deep dark secrets covered up with hate and evilness.I said to her about a voice too.At first she was confused,but then she grabbed her phone and called Ewan.He said that it's better to talk about this in school.

I'm waiting for Ewan.He's late to the first class.Wonderful.After first class he came to school.I asked him why is he late,but he didn't answer.He said that the voice I heard was Fitril Cryptbug.That person who killed Jess in my dream was his brother.But there's a problem.Ewan don't know who it is,or how does he look.Nobody knows how he look,or what's his name,or anything about him.Fitril is nothing compared to his brother.That's everything I know..There's nothing in the books about him too.Which is very strange because there's a lot about his brother,and besides that,his family is the one of most important families ever.Just like yours,and mine.-Ewan said.I didn't know what to say.That was so creepy.After school I said that to Lilith.She agreed with Ewan.He's right you know,I read all books about that topic and there's a lot about Fitril but nothing about his brother.They didn't even say that he has one.-she was annoyed because of it.That's really he never existed..Let me call Ewan,I bet that he'll love to hear this..-I said uncertainty.
-Me:Ewan,listen,Lilith read all the books about this weird topic,and there's nothing about Fitril's brother.
-Ewan:Of course there is nothing about him.He lives his life secretly,nobody knows where he is or what is his plan.
-Me:But if Fitril is coming here to kill Aunt Jessa why we don't ask him?
-Ewan:That's good point,but it will not work.Fitril is scared of him and his power.
-Me:But that's his brother.He wouldn't hurt him right?
-Ewan:Oh yeah he would,trust me.He doesn't care about anyone.
-Me:Then we'll have to make plan B.
-Ewan:Yeah.I'll come now to your house or wherever you are and we'll make plan.
-Me:Okay we're waiting for you.
                       *5 𝒎𝒊𝒏𝒖𝒕𝒆𝒔 𝒍𝒂𝒕𝒆𝒓*

Ewan came and we are making a plan.It's so hard because we don't know anything about him,and we don't know what he is ready to do.After a long time of thinking we all agreed that it probably was all just a nightmare.We don't know what to do if Fitril comes..we'll probably just kill him.Then my head started hurting again.The pain was terrible.I woke up in the forest again.The same one that I saw in my dream.I heard the scream again.The same one,Aunt Jessa's.I'm running to the old house.This is the same dream,it is repeating..But why?Few moments later,I'm in the garden behind the house.Jessa is dead.Then everything is becoming dark,same as last time.I'm awake,Ewan and Lilith are looking at me very worried.I had the same dream..Jessa was dying again.Everything was the same.-I said.Is it possible that it was just a coincidence?-Lilith asked.Maybe,maybe not.I don't know..-Ewan answered her.I went to the bed hoping that everything will be okay.
                        *𝒇𝒆𝒘 𝒉𝒐𝒖𝒓𝒔 𝒍𝒂𝒕𝒆𝒓*

I woke up.It's 3am.I can't sleep.The most irritating situation ever.I decided to write my diary since I can't fall asleep.It's some kind of fun you know..Writing about your life,thoughts,things that you're probably never going to tell anybody.Most of people think that writing dairy is a rubbish but it's not like that if you dedicate to it.Then it'll show ourself from every perspective.How we act when we are at our worst,when we fell like a happiest person ever,or when pain and sadness control us.It hides our deepest secrets.Then I heard some loud noise outside.I looked through the window but it was just a dog.He's probably hungry and looking for some food in trash cans.I continued writing my dairy and fell asleep.

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