Chapter Twenty-Two

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Someone was going to die.

Lorcan was going to kill them.

In his arms, his witch was motionless. Cold. Wrong. Then her body began to spasm.

He held her tighter, fighting against her body to keep her still.

At the hunter, he bared his teeth.

"The fuck have you done?"

Emilio stared at the witch cautiously. "I don't know."

Not good enough.

The werewolf broke out into growls. It was then, for the first time, that the hunter looked at him.

The recognition was immediate.

There was something about Lorcan that exuded power. His presence was dominating, his face dark and unfriendly. It was worse now. His body was larger, his half shift in play.

Someone had fucked with what was his.

Werewolves were nothing if not territorial.

From just a glance, that black haired hunter knew who he was dealing with. The fear and dread were quick to follow.

The hunters were good, but they weren't royal werewolf good.


His claws gleamed ominously in the moonlight.

"This doesn't have to end in a fight," Emilio said. "We can split the bounty two ways. My sister and I take half. You can have the other half. We don't have to have trouble"

Lorcan held her tighter. "Speak about her," he fumed. "And I will make the rest of your life a misery. When I'm done torturing you, you will beg me to end it all."

He heard the cocking of another weapon. Lorcan didn't have to turn to know the sister had her crossbow aimed at him. The same crossbow she'd used to slice through their tyre and land them in this shit in the first place.

The same crossbow that had put his witch in the line of danger.

If she sought to remind him of his anger, the huntress was doing a splendid job.

Like her brother, she was soon to die by the werewolf King's hand.

"We don't want any trouble your majesty," Emilio said, slowly raising his hands in surrender. "We're just doing our job, just like you're doing." He took a deep breath. "There's no reason we can't all benefit from this."

"Did Annaliese send you?"

A bitter laugh came from behind him.


"Nobody sent us," she hissed. "We came here by choice. We'll be leaving here with that witch, whether you let us or not."

Emilio gave the woman a look.

– She was still in training.

"Ignore that," Emilio said. "My sister doesn't know what she's talking about. We're not your enemies, Lorcan. We can handle that witch for you. Hand her over and we'll have her taken care of. You won't have to worry about the dirty work. We just don't want any trouble." To his sister, he prompted, "Isn't that right Sofia?"

She hummed half-heartedly.

His body was still growing. The angrier he got, the more control the beast had of his body. The witch looked tiny in his grasp. Fragile.

"What did you do to her?" he asked again.

Evie was the priority.

"I don't know," Emilio said.

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