Thinking about you

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You know.

She was once my everything too.

We did everything together.

All the laughs we shared.

All the cries we shared.

All the smiles we shared.

And let's not forget all the love we shared.

But why did you have the need,

To suddenly leave?

Why did you have to leave so suddenly?

And leave me all by myself.

All alone,

To just die,

To rot in here.

You know,

I would never cheat on you,

Even tho we broke up.

I will always wait for you.

And not talk to other girls.

Now i'm alone on the couch,

Watching tv while in my other hand i'm holding a beer.

Am i still sober?

I don't know how many beers i have laying on the floor.

Would you like seeing me in this state?

Or would you become scared of me?

Why am i even still thinking about you.

Why am i seeing that beautifull smile?

Why am i hearing that angel laugh of yours?

Why did a tear just fall out if my eyes?

Why am i crying again about you?

Even tho you left a year ago with our kids,

And i'm left here lonely,



And left to cry alone.

Please comeback one day,

Why can't i stop thinking about you?

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