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After the grand tour of the entire - yes, the entire - stadium, my feet were killing me and I had worked up a hell of an appetite. I called Jamie and he met us outside of the stadium. Shay had a confused expression on her face as she climbed into the back of the car, but Jamie took no notice as he shifted into drive.

"Where's, uh, where's Tyler?" she finally questioned. Jamie and I exchanged glances, and I noticed his knuckles turn white as he gripped the steering wheel.

"He's at home," I answered briefly. I really hope she got the message that I really did not want to talk about it. I realized that when we got home later, I should at least try to talk it out with him. Maybe I could fix this.

"Oh. So, uh, Jamie, long time no see!" she said, trying to change the subject. Shay had told me that she used to work for the Stars' ice girls, so she already knew Jamie, and according to him, she knew Tyler too.

"No kidding! How's some of my favorite girls?" he asked in reference to the cheerleaders. Shay rolled her eyes at him, but she answered regardless.

"Too bad the Cowboys suck," I commented with a laugh. I had always been a Patriots fan at heart, even way before I met Tyler and went to live in Boston.

"This are some fighting words right there," Shay replied with a laugh.

"I hope you don't mind," Jamie said to me quietly, "but I called Tyler. He agreed to come out to lunch with us."

"Oh, uh, okay," I replied. I wasn't really sure how I felt with him just asking Tyler to come without telling me first. But, it was done, and he was my fiancé, I had to face him sometime.

"I'm sorry, it's just, I know how much he missed you, and the last thing he wanted was to start a fight," he explained, looking over at me. All I could manage was a shrug. I was used to people making my decisions for me, so this really shouldn't have bothered me. But it did. I thought Jamie was on my side.


"We'll see you guys!" Tyler called as Shay and Jamie walked off in a different direction. Shay and him had been flirting the whole time, and she asked him out for drinks that night. Shay had always been the blunt, forward girl of the two of us. Given I was a lot more laid back, Tyler had to do most of the chasing when we first started dating.

I felt a pang of jealousy as I turned around and noticed Shay touching him arm. I shook it off and turned back to Tyler.

"I love you so much, you know that, right?" Tyler asked me as we got into his car. I couldn't suppress a smile.

"Of course. I love you, too," I replied. His signature grin spread across his face. He reached across the car and took my hands into his. This was the Tyler I fell in love with.

"I'm sorry I yelled," he apologized, looking down at our intertwined fingers. "I was just pissed you suspected something wrong of me."

"And I'm sorry I accused you of whatever I was trying to accuse you of," I apologized to him. "I don't know what I'd do if I didn't have you."

Tyler gave a soft smile, and he let go of my hand to put his on my cheeks. I leaned into his hand and smiled back.

"You're so, very beautiful, Elle." He leaned in and pressed a soft kiss on my lips. "Now, let's get you acclimated to this new city we call home."

Dallas was a beautiful city. Despite it being a large city, it felt really cozy. The streets were clean, and the buildings towered above us as we drove by, Tyler pointing out little pubs and nice places to eat as we drove by. I had always loved travel, so dating and moving around with a hockey player wasn't too much of a burden for me. I loved getting to know a new city.

"You like it," Tyler stated, gazing over at me while we were at a stoplight. He could always tell when I liked or disliked a new place. If I liked it, he described that my cheeks get pink, and my eyes get this shine to them. It was cute how he noticed the little things.

"Is beautiful," I replied, glancing back at him. "Thank god you didn't get traded to Detroit."

He let out a laugh, considering he was the one who had told me some of the horror stories about the bad parts of Detroit. It actually seemed like a really nice place with some bad parts to taint it's image. Dallas probably had some of those areas, too, I just preferred to stay far, far away from them.

"Or Montreal," he commented with a smirk. He knew how much I disliked the cold, and the Habs. Over the years we had spent in Boston, both he and I had come to have some bad blood with the Canadiens. But I guess if he had have gotten traded there, I would have had to suck it up and like the team.

Tyler stopped at this pub called Anvil, and we got some drinks. He only opted for one beer, considering he was driving, and I definitely was not in the mood to drink. He kept urging me to try the Chocolate Mud Slide, but after last night, I definitely didn't want a drink.

We spent the rest of the day just out and about exploring. It was so nice to finally get to spend the day with him after months of not seeing him at all.


When we got home, Jamie was there, channel surfing. It might have been the way Tyler's arm was wrapped tightly around my waist, but Jamie's nostrils flared out. He smiled, nonetheless, but I still noticed.

"How'd you two's day go?" he asked, seeming to relax a little as Tyler let me go, headed towards the kitchen.

"He showed me around a little bit. He tried to get me to try the Mud Slide at Anvil, but after last night I turned him down," I told him with a laugh. He grinned at patted the empty spot on the couch next to him.

"You know, I'd probably be a lot better at showing you around. I know about places Tyler doesn't," he remarked, still searching the channels.

"I'm sure you do," I replied, nudging him with my elbow.

"I do!" he defended, lightly smacking my arm with the remote. "For instance, did he show you the aquarium? Or the art museum?"

I shook my head, and Jamie smirked, looking smug.

"Aren't those too touristy?" I questioned, raising an eyebrow at him. He shrugged, causing his triceps to flex. Holy heart eye emojis.

"Kind of, but you've gotta be the tourist at first. That's how you get to know the place," he explained, poking my nose. I scrunched it up under his touch. "You like that?" he teased, doing it again.

"Stop, Jamie!" I ordered, but my laughing gave me away. He went to do it again, but I grabbed his wrist and held it over my head. "Gotcha!"

He didn't even flinch as he reached out with his other hand to poke it again. I fake scowled, and I reached out to grab his other wrist. He could have easily gotten away if he wanted to, but instead he flailed around like a fish. This caused the two of us to tumble off of the couch and on to the floor.

"Now look what you did!" he accused, a wide smile decorating his face. My jaw dropped in mock offense.

"Me?! You were the one flailing around like a maniac!"

"Well, you were the one who was holding me captive!"

"Oh, yeah? I wouldn't have held you captive if you hadn't been poking my nose!"

He rolled his eyes at me, but let me win the argument as he easily lifted himself off of the floor. He reached his hand to pull me up, and Tyler walked in with a water bottle.

Jamie immediately dropped my hand and sat back down, leaving me on the floor. I glanced up at Tyler, and his eyes were narrowed at Jamie. Despite the amazing day we had, I was still frustrated with him. What was he hiding from me and why? Weren't people in love supposed to tell each other everything?

Chasing the Stars {Jamie Benn}Where stories live. Discover now