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"Jamie, a little help please?" I called from our bedroom. There was an event tonight for the Stars, and I was having a little trouble getting the stupid dress over my head.

"Yeah I'll be right there, babe!" he yelled back. Shortly after, I heard his footsteps coming up the stairs. "Oh my," he commented as he began to chuckle.

"This isn't funny," I grumbled, walking towards the sound of his voice.

"It is kind of funny," he replied, still chuckling. I rolled my eyes at him.

"I just feel so fat," I whined, raising my arms into the air so he could pull the dress down. Once the dress was over my head and on my body, I saw a concerned-looking Jamie. He sighed as he reached out to put his hands on my sides.

"You're not, fat, sweetheart," he whispered before he kissed my forehead. "You're beautiful," he paused and moved his hands, "and so is she."

I smiled and reached down to put my hands on top of Jamie's. Together, they rested on my ever-growing baby bump.

"Lilly Veronica Benn," he whispered, squatting down to press his lips against my belly. I ran my fingers through his hair, and I instantly recalled the day when I had admitted to wanting to run my fingers through his hair. I smiled. That day, I would've never imagined that six years down the road, Jamie would be my husband, squatting in front me, kissing my stomach that held our first child together. "Let me take a picture of you."

"Why?" I questioned, pulling my eyebrows together.

"Because you're beautiful," he replied. I rolled my eyes but posed for him anyways. I placed my hands on top of my bump and smiled as he took the picture on his iPhone before sliding it into his pocket and holding out a hand to me. "Ready to go, Mrs. Benn?"

I smiled as I slipped my hand into his. "Ready."


When we arrived at the arena, we were met by Val and Krystal. Krystal's baby bump was just beginning to appear, and she was flaunting it in a tight dress.

"Hey, girl!" she said, pulling me into a hug. The boys went their separate ways, going to mingle with the guests at the event.

Over time, Krystal and I had gotten ridiculously close. Her and Val got engaged shortly after Jamie and I did. They got married two months before us; I was her maid of honor, Jamie was Val's best man, and vice versa for Jamie and I's wedding.

Then, by a complete coincidence, she became three months pregnant after I did. It was awesome to have a best friend who was going through he same stages of life that I was.

"How's Lilly?" she asked me, grinning. I instinctively placed my hand in my bump.

"Healthy! We had another ultrasound a few days ago. It went really well," I responded. "How's... ?" I trailed off, knowing that she had her ultrasound earlier today.

"My boys are great," she answered with a smirk. My eyes nearly popped out of my head and my jaw hit the floor.

"Holy crap, Krys! Twins?!" I exclaimed, gathering some attention from nearby guests.

"Twins!" she squealed. I grabbed her and pulled her into yet another hug. I looked over her shoulder and saw Jamie and Val laughing at us as they were speaking to a fan.  I discreetly gave them both the middle finger and they just laughed harder, causing more attention from guests.

We also got attention from another couple who had recently married. Tyler went to where Val and Jamie stood, and Shay joined me and Krystal. I still wasn't very fond of her, but she was a part of the Stars' WAGs and we didn't really have a choice but to let her hang out with us from time to time.

"Hey, girls!" she said, holding a drink in her perfectly manicured hand. I nearly spit out my water when I saw the ring. It was my old ring from when Tyler and I were engaged. I couldn't hold back my laughter, and I would've doubled over if it weren't for my baby bump.

I was laughing so hard, I had to walk away. Krystal continued her conversation with Shay, and I found Jamie as he strayed from where Val and Tyler were.

"What's so funny?" he asked, a grin spreading onto his face. I was laughing so hard I couldn't speak, and this caused Jamie to start chuckling himself. Jamie led me out into the hallway so we didn't disturb the guests. "Seriously, what's going on?"

"I saw Shay's ring, and it was the one Tyler gave me when he proposed," I said between giggles. Jamie's eyes went wide, and suddenly he was laughing just as hard as I was.

It hit me once again; the same thought that hit me everyday. I fell in love with him everyday. I fell in love with his groggy voice when he first woke up. I fell in love with the way he would gently speak to my belly, telling our unborn daughter how much he loved her. I fell in love with his voice when he told me he loved me at least five times a day. I fell in love with his superstitions formed by years of hockey.

I loved this man with every single ounce of my being, and words would never be able to describe how blessed I felt to be able spend the rest of my life with Jamie Randolph Benn.

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