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I randomly woke up, and I realized I was still in the aquarium. It took me a moment to gather my surroundings. I turned to look at Jamie, and he was sitting there gazing at me, a grin on in his face.

"How long have I been sleeping?" I asked, running a hand through my hair. He shrugged.

"Maybe and hour and a half?"

"Jesus, and you just sat here?" I questioned, pulling my eyebrows together.

"Well, the fish are fun to look at, and you're not too bad either."

Did he really just say that? Was he hitting on me? And was I liking it? I smiled and broke eye contact because I could definitely feel myself turning red. The thing was that it didn't feel weird or awkward or uncomfortable like it usually did flirting with guys. It felt natural.

"You know, it's not nice to stare," I replied with a smile. He rolled is eyes at me before pushing himself up off of the bench. I felt a pang of something in my chest. I didn't know that though. Maybe sadness? I just knew that I almost didn't want to leave that bench.

"Come on, we've got a double date," he reminded me. Shit. I had forgotten all about that. He and Shay and Tyler and I were all going out to dinner tonight Another pang hit me, but this time I knew exactly what it was. Jealousy.


Tyler texted and said he was still with his trainers while I was doing my hair and makeup. He was going to meet us there, and so was Shay. I dug around in my suitcase for my best date night outfit. The little voice in the back of my head was teasing me;

'Trying to look good for Jamie, huh?'

As much as I tried to fight it, it wouldn't go away. Eventually, I gave into it and agreed. The dress I was looking for wasn't for Tyler.

I finally found the one I wanted. It was a tight black wrap dress with a low neckline, just enough to show off the girls, but classy enough to not show off too much. I smirked at my reflection in the mirror. I slid on some black heels, swiped on some red lipstick and I was ready.

I stepped out into the living room, and noticed Jamie, one hand stuffed in his pocket, the other holding his phone. I quickly noticed we were matching with his black pants and button up with a red tie.

"Well, one of us is going to have to change," I commented, walking further into the living room. He quickly looked up when he noticed I was in the room. His reaction to me was completely cliche, but I had to admit, the way his lips lightly parted made me want to grab his face and kiss those pink lips.

I quickly shook the thought away. Bad, Elle, bad! The little voice told me. Such a hypocrite she was. His eyes widened as he looked down at his outfit and then back to me.

"I can change if you want-"

"I'm kidding, Chubbs," I replied, reaching out and squeezing his cheeks. His smile reappeared as he put his warm hands on my shoulders and held me at arm's length.

"You look stunning," he told me, his eyes becoming soft. God, he was such a sweetheart.

"Thanks, Jams. You don't look too bad yourself," I replied with a grin. He smirked back at me, and together we left the apartment.



Shay looked beautiful as well, but I swear no one will ever compare to Elle. Shay was amazing, and I was glad she was into me, but there was just something about Elle. She exuded classiness and elegance, yet she was a total goofball. It blew my mind how she did it.

"Jams," she whispered, kicking me under the table. The waiter was staring at me, waiting for me to order. My face burned as I realized I had been gazing at Elle. Tyler seemed to either not notice or not care.

It was still weird that Elle and I had ended up matching. We probably looked like the couple at the table, and my heart fluttered at the thought.

"So, babe," Shay said, wrapping her hands around my forearm. 'Don't call me that.' was the first thought that came to mind. I definitely wasn't her babe. "Tell me about your day."

My eyes flicked to Elle, and her face was as pink as mine felt.

"I hung out with Elle for a bit," I replied with a shrug. "We went to the aquarium."

"Is that why you two match?" Tyler asked with a laugh as he eyeballed Elle. His hand had disappeared under the table, and lord knows where that thing was.

"No, actually, it was just a coincidence," she answered. "Funny, isn't it?"

I looked over at Shay, and she was glaring at Elle. If looks could kill, Elle would be dead. Could this dinner get any more awkward? Then the fucking massage therapist appeared

"Tyler, you left your phone at the rink," her voice came up behind me.

"Thanks, Kelly," Tyler replied, his fingers brushing against the massage therapist's as he took the phone. That asshole, basically dangling the fact that he was cheating right in front of Elle's face. I looked at her, worried she suspected something, but she was just staring off into the distance, seeming bored.

To make it worse, Kelly stayed around for a few minutes to chat with us.

"I just wanted some dinner," Elle murmured under her breath.

"Hey," I said quietly. She looked up at me, her eyes sad. "It's alright." She sighed, glancing over at Tyler and Shay, both in animated conversation with Kelly.

"Tyler tries to not let dates happen like this, but people see him and they just can't help themselves, I guess," she explained, gesturing towards Tyler.

"I'm sorry," I said with a smile. She gave up a small smile in return. I wanted nothing more than to be able to reach across the table and grab her hands.

"This isn't your fault," she replied after drinking a sip of wine. I looked over at Tyler, his attention zeroed in on Kelly. I couldn't comprehend any of this. Elle looked drop dead gorgeous right now, and Kelly didn't even hold a candle to her. "What're you thinking about?"

"You," I replied. This was becoming my regular response, and I don't think she minded.

"Again?" she replied with a small giggle.

"Of course. I was just thinking that even though this didn't really go as planned, you deserve for someone to call you beautiful tonight."

She finally gave a full smile.

"Thank you, Jamie," she told me.

"Anytime, Eleanor. Anytime."

"You want to know something?" she asked suddenly. Her eyes were fiery, and I wasn't sure whether to be scared or not.

"Why not?" I replied with a shrug.

"I like it when you say my name. I don't know if you understand how much I hate it when people say it, but when you say it, it just doesn't sound so bad," she admitted. Kelly had just turned around to leave, so I couldn't say anything to Elle in response.

"What're you two talking about?" Shay asked, cocking her head to the side. I glanced back at Elle with a knowing smile.


Chasing the Stars {Jamie Benn}Where stories live. Discover now