Pretty Boy (SS)

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AUTHOR'S NOTE: Hey besties lol it has been a while sorry school got pretty busy and I had some personal stuff happen. Anyways this fic is inspired by the story seb posted today with his makeup done I thought we could use a cute funny fic today so here it is. I am kinda using myself here I do not ever wear makeup it just is not my thing lol I have no interest in it unless it's for special occasions. 


Quarantine has been rather boring it seems as you and Seb have done everything there possibly was. For example building forts, cooking, reading, drawing, going on walks, telling jokes, and one of your favorite activities karaoke. But there is one thing you two haven't done yet, and that is you doing Seb's makeup. 

Seb was laying on the couch being very dramatic to tell you how bored he really is. "Babeeeeeeeeeeee I am dying." he says. You giggle "Seb you are not dying dork. I have an idea." you smirk. Seb gives you an unsure look. "Oh god, what is it we have done everything Y/n." 

"Let me do your makeup pleaseeeeee." you beg. Seb starts shaking his head "Nooooooo." you pout at him and give him the puppy dog eyes he can't say no to. "Please Seb I'll kiss you and cuddle you." Seb looked very interested this man sure loves cuddling. "Fineeee." he smiled teasing you a bit "You better make me look good I know you can't even do your own makeup." he laughed. You gasped and smacked his arm "Rude ass and I will make you the prettiest boy ever." you said. You grab his hand take him to the bathroom.

You sit him on the toilet and pull out your makeup bag. "You ready Sebby boy I am gonna make you so pretty Chris will finally admit his feelings for you." Seb snorts "Oh yes finally I can get my man." You two both laugh. You get to work starting with foundation. Seb was making a weird face as you patted his skin with the beauty blender. 

You continued on for a bit, "I don't want to hurt you tell me if you need a break." you tell him holding his face. "Doll it's a brush and a sponge it's not gonna hurt." he says and chuckles. You roll your eyes "I can make it hurt." you giggle squirming a bit. "Are you ok?" he looks at you to make sure. "Yeah my body just hurts from bending over like this." you reply. "We can take a break if you need." he says gently. 

"No, I just have to find a better stance." you gasp a bit and smile. "Can I try a way to make this better for me I just do not want you uncomfortable." Seb looks a bit confused (when does he not lol) "Go for it." he smiles warmly. You gently and slowly straddle his lap blushing a bit trying to hide it. "Y/n it is ok and you are so cute." he gently kisses you then pulls back. "Now you are eye level, comfortable and I get to hold you it is for sure a win." he puts his hands on your hips rubbing softly. This causes you to melt as he kisses you again. 

He pulls back and you get back to work on your masterpiece. You have your tongue sticking out a bit as you are very concentrated. Seb chuckles at you. You still work on his face beating it to the gods. "Hush." Seb holds your butt and you are the human form of a tomato. You finish his face and look back and snort. "Well, it looks better than I thought." pulling out a mirror to show him. "I look amazing." he gets up kissing your cheek and starts posing. 

You take a couple of pictures and laugh at him. Seb smiles big and calls Chris. Chris picks up and smirks playfully "Well hello pretty boy." Seb and you wheeze. "That's me daddy." Seb laughs extra hard as Chris snorts and shakes his head. "I hate you." Chris says. "No, you don't you called me pretty." Seb says and struts again putting the phone down so Chris can see. Then Seb 'gets stuck'. "Oh nooo I am stuck if only there was someone to save me." he says while sticking his ass out. You are on the floor laughing your ass off and Chris is crying. 

"Y/n you better save him before I do." Chris is barely able to get out. You laugh more "Come save him he is all yours." you reply. After a few more jokes and tons of laughing, Chris has to go to get on a call for ASP. Seb posted a picture on his story, this made everyone laugh and send him some funny messages. It made you happy seeing your boyfriend laughing and smiling, it is your favorite look on him. "Thank you for doing this baby I had fun, now next time I get to do your makeup." he says confidently. Your eyes widen "Oh no no no Seb I do not want to lose an eye." you tease. Seb looks offended but laughs. "Fine I will let you do it when we are VERY bored." you say giving in.

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